%I Institute of Education, University of London
%A Iram Siraj
%A Brenda Taggart
%T EPPE project: findings on the influences on academic and social-behavioural development at age 11 [IOE Research Briefing N°67]
%X The research focuses on the relationships between various child, family, home, pre-school and primary school characteristics, and children's subsequent academic and social-behavioural outcomes at age 11. IOE Research Briefings are short descriptions of significant research findings, based on the wide range of projects carried out by IOE researchers.
%D 2013
%K EPPE; primary education; Key Stage 2; longitudinal; mixed-method; effectiveness, child development; cognitive development; academic, social-behavioural development; UK
%L discovery10018682
%C London
%S IOE Research Briefings