SN  - 1469-3178
A1  - Waksman, G
UR  - https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.201847012
Y1  - 2019/01/02/
ID  - discovery10065849
JF  - EMBO Reports
TI  - From conjugation to T4S systems in Gram-negative bacteria: a mechanistic biology perspective
N1  - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images
or other third party material in this article are included in the article?s Creative Commons license,
unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license,
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N2  - Conjugation is the process by which bacteria exchange genetic materials in a unidirectional manner from a donor cell to a recipient cell. The discovery of conjugation signalled the dawn of genetics and molecular biology. In Gram-negative bacteria, the process of conjugation is mediated by a large membrane-embedded machinery termed "conjugative type IV secretion (T4S) system", a large injection nanomachine, which together with a DNA-processing machinery termed "the relaxosome" and a large extracellular tube termed "pilus" orchestrates directional DNA transfer. Here, the focus is on past and latest research in the field of conjugation and T4S systems in Gram-negative bacteria, with an emphasis on the various questions and debates that permeate the field from a mechanistic perspective.
AV  - public
VL  - 2018
KW  - DNA and Protein Secretion
KW  -  bacterial conjugation
KW  -  pilus biogenesis
KW  -  relaxosome
KW  -  type IV secretion system
ER  -