%A C Behrens %A D Lavery %A DS Millar %A S Makovejs %A BC Thomsen %A RI Killey %A SJ Savory %A P Bayvel %I IEEE %K Science & Technology, Technology, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, Optics, Telecommunications, Engineering, COMPENSATION %D 2011 %T Ultra-long-haul transmission of 7x42.9Gbit/s PS-QPSK and PM-BPSK %X We report on ultra-long haul transmission of polarization-switched QPSK (PS-QPSK) and polarization-multiplexed BPSK (PM-BPSK) at 42.9Gbit/s per WDM channel. Although achieving similar transmission distances in excess of 13,600km, PS-QPSK offers a significant reduction in receiver complexity due to a lower symbol-rate. %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %B Proceedings of the 2011 37th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication %J 2011 37TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (ECOC 2011) %L discovery10068553 %C Geneva, Switzerland