%A L Siemons
%A B Uluca-Yazgi
%A RB Pritchard
%A S McCarthy
%A H Heise
%A DF Hansen
%T Determining isoleucine side-chain rotamer-sampling in proteins from {13}^C chemical shift
%X Chemical shifts are often the only nuclear magnetic resonance parameter that can be obtained for challenging macromolecular systems. Here we present a framework to derive the conformational sampling of isoleucine side chains from {13}^C chemical shifts and demonstrate that side-chain conformations in a low-populated folding intermediate can be determined.
%D 2019
%J Chemical Communications
%L discovery10085106
%O © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).
%C England