@inproceedings{discovery10170781, year = {2023}, address = {San Antonio, TX, USA}, booktitle = {2023 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf23)}, publisher = {IEEE}, note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.}, month = {June}, title = {Multistatic Radar Data Fusion For Detection With Reduced Transmit Power Consumption}, author = {Dhulashia, Dilan and Ritchie, Matthew}, keywords = {Detection, Multistatic Radar, Data Fusion, Power Consumption}, abstract = {This paper presents a quantitative comparison of the detection performance of two multistatic radar detection methods; the first limited by a communications constraint between its constituent nodes and the second with unlimited communications capacity. The methods are tested for a selection of scenarios with differing target positions, and the transmit power requirements to obtain a similar level of detection performance to that of a monostatic radar are analysed. The scenarios simulated are in two-dimensional space and the multistatic system considered is comprised of a single transmit and three distributed receive nodes. A cell-averaging constant false alarm rate is used for the monostatic and both multistatic detection methodologies proposed. It is found that data fusion at a lower level of abstraction, where communications are non-constrained, can lead to better detection performance in multistatic systems. Additionally, the power resource savings compared to an equivalent performance monostatic system are also presented as part of this work.}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/RadarConf2351548.2023.10149801} }