%X We show that external fluctuations are able to induce propagation of harmonic signals through monostable media. This property is based on the phenomenon of doubly stochastic resonance, where the joint action of multiplicative noise and spatial coupling induces bistability in an otherwise monostable extended medium, and additive noise resonantly enhances the response of the system to a harmonic forcing. Under these conditions, propagation of the harmonic signal through the unforced medium is observed for optimal intensities of the two noises. This noise-induced propagation is studied and quantified in a simple model of coupled nonlinear electronic circuits. %T Noise induced propagation in monostable media %N 1 %K SPATIOTEMPORAL STOCHASTIC RESONANCE, SWIFT-HOHENBERG EQUATION, ENHANCED PROPAGATION, PHASE-TRANSITION, BISTABLE SYSTEMS, ARRAY, CIRCUITS, DRIVEN, MODEL, WHITE %D 2002 %I AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC %A AA Zaikin %A J Garcia-Ojalvo %A L Schimansky-Geier %A J Kurths %V 88 %J PHYS REV LETT %L discovery116939