            year = {2017},
         journal = {MonTI (Monographs in Translation and Interpreting)},
            note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
           title = {Subtitling Audiovisual Humour: The Case of 'Early Almod{\'o}var' Films during 'La Movida' in Spain (1980-1984)},
          number = {9},
             url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.6035/MonTI.2017.9},
        abstract = {Humour transfer on screen responds to the inner constraints of audiovisual translation.
Audiovisual humour imposes further challenges to translators because of its polysemiotic
nature. This can be undeniably observed in auteur films that are specifically contextualised in
a historical and sociocultural context, such as the 'early Almod{\'o}var' films. Pedro Almod{\'o}var's
first four films (1980-1984) were created during the Spanish Movida movement after dictator
Franco's death, corresponding historically to the political Transition of Spain towards
democracy. These films have been so important that they can now be considered samples of
audiovisual expression of Spanish Movida changes. Verbally Expressed Humour elements in
these films represent compelling examples of translation challenges that respond to both the
complexity of wordplay transfer and the cultural components of Spain in the 1980s. Sets of
examples from Almod{\'o}var's first films illustrate the difficulties of transferring Verbally
Expressed Humour elements in subtitling. This paper finds that humour transfer is
accomplished in many different ways by subtitlers, whose translation techniques can be
analysed following descriptive studies specifically focused on Audiovisual Translation.},
          author = {Bolanos-Garcia-Escribano, A},
        keywords = {Humour. Subtitling. Translation. Verbally expressed humour. Almod{\'o}var. Movida},
            issn = {1889-4178}