"Teacher grouping practices" "I expect high-attaining students to cover topics in more depth" "I expect high-attaining students to cover more topics" "I expect more independent work from high-attaining students" "I expect more analytical thought from high-attaining students" "I expect all students to work on the same topic at the same time but their learning outcomes may vary" "My colleagues have high expectations for all students regardless of their prior attainment" "I expect high-attaining students to work at a faster rate" "There are some activities I do not expect low-attaining students to do" "I expect to spend more time on keeping low-attaining students on task" "I encourage more discussion between high-attaining students" "I provide more practical activities for low-attaining students" "I use extension materials to stretch high-attaining students" "I provide more detailed feedback on low-attaining students’ work" "I spend more time preparing for high-attaining students" "I encourage students who grasp a concept to explain it to students who need more help" "I provide more detailed feedback on high-attaining students’ work" "Departmental resources and support for teaching the full range of attainment is available" "I modify my teaching methods to suit students’ prior attainment" "I only give students marks, levels or grades once every half term, or less" "I give different activities to students with different ranges of attainment in any one group" "I do more repetition and rehearsal with low-attaining students" "I spend more time preparing for low-attaining students" "I set more structured work for low-attaining students" "I sit students with different prior attainment together" "I sit students with similar prior attainment together" "I group students depending on the learning objectives for each topic" "I am stricter with high-attaining students" "I determine the seating arrangements in my classes" "I am stricter with low-attaining students" "I give students a say in where they sit in the classroom"