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Number of items: 33.


Allen, A; Bell, SJ; (2011) Glass half empty? Urban water poverty halfway through the Decade of Water for Life. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development , 3 (1) pp. 1-7. 10.1080/19463138.2011.583530. Green open access


Bell, S; Chilvers, AJ; Cobham, T; (2011) Shaping a better world: How this challenge differs across two modes of engineering practice. [Book]. In: Fernandez, M and Ralph, G, (eds.) [Arup 2012] Research Review. (pp. 66-67). Arup: London, UK. Green open access

Bell, SJ; Chilvers, AJ; Hillier, JO; (2011) The socio-technology of engineering sustainability. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability , 164 (3) pp. 177-184. 10.1680/ensu.900014. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; Wilts, H; (2011) Combating Material Leakage: a Proposal for an International Metal Covenant. Sapiens , 4 (2) 53 - 61. Green open access


Cassar, M; (2011) Energy Reduction and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: a Review of Past, Present and Forthcoming Initiatives. International Preservation News , 55 6 - 9. Green open access


Doron, U; Teh, T-H; Haklay, M; Bell, S; (2011) Public engagement with water conservation in London. Water and Environment Journal , 25 (4) pp. 555-562. 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2011.00256.x. Green open access


Grubb, M; (2011) International climate finance from border carbon cost levelling. Climate Policy , 11 (3) pp. 1050-1057. 10.1080/14693062.2011.582285. Green open access


Hatherley, S; Littlewood, J; Counsell, J; Geens, A; Sinnett, N; Cole, W; (2011) An exploration of the challenges facing developers of affordable dwellings following low carbon and ecological principles, in rural locations in Wales. In: Proceedings of the World Sustainable Building Conference: 2011 Helsinki. Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL / VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland: Helsinki, Finland. Green open access

Hatherley, S; Littlewood, J; Counsell, J; Geens, A; Sinnett, N; Cole, W; (2011) An introduction and review of the challenges facing a registered social landlord and their stakeholders in relation to the design and construction of an exemplar low carbon, ecological development in a rural area of Wales. In: Proceedings of the ARCOM Roadshow: Advancing Low Carbon and Sustainability Research 2011. ARCOM: Leeds Metropolitan University. Green open access


Jens Laustsen, J; Ruyssevelt, P; Staniaszek, D; Strong, D; (2011) Europe’s Buildings under the Microscope: A country-by-country review of the energy performance of buildings. Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE): Brussels, Belgium.


Katsigarakis, K; Kontes, G; Giannakis, G; Kosmatopoulos, EB; Rovas, DV; (2011) Εξελιγμένες Στρατηγικές Ελέγχου για την Επίτευξη Μηδενικής Ενεργειακής Κατανάλωσης σε Κτήρια [ = Developing control strategies toward nearly-zero energy buildings]. In: Proceedings of the 16th Greek national congress on energy and development 2011. IENE: Athens, Greece. Green open access


McMichael, M.H.; (2011) Social capital and the diffusion of energy-reducing innovations in UK households. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Menart, E; De Bruin, G; Strlic, M; (2011) Dose-response functions for historic paper. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 96 (12) 2029 - 2039. 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2011.09.002. Green open access

Mozir, A; Strlic, M; Trafela, T; Cigic, IK; Kolar, J; Deselnicu, V; de Bruin, G; (2011) On oxidative degradation of parchment and its non-destructive characterisation and dating. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing , 104 (1) 211 - 217. 10.1007/s00339-010-6108-z. Green open access

Murillo Camacho, Krisangella Sofía; (2011) Architecture for Contemporary Art; A configurational Approach to Space and Identity in Guggenheim Museums. Masters thesis (M.Sc), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Neal, R; Bell, S; Wilby, J; (2011) Emergent disaster response during the June 2007 floods in Kingston upon Hull, UK. Journal of Flood Risk Management , 4 (3) pp. 260-269. 10.1111/j.1753-318X.2011.01110.x. Green open access

Nikzad, Samira; Kari, Behrouz M; Tahmasebi, Farhang; (2011) The Application of Thermal Imaging as a Nondestructive Test in Historic Buildings. In: Lacasse, Michael A and Peixoto de Freitas, Vasco and Corvacho, Helena, (eds.) XII DBMC : 12th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components : conference proceedings. (pp. pp. 1-9). FEUP: Porto, Portugal. Green open access


Pichler, MF; Dröscher, A; Schranzhofer, H; Kontes, GD; Giannakis, GI; Kosmatopoulos, EB; Rovas, DV; (2011) Simulation-assisted building energy performance improvement using sensible control decisions. In: BuildSys '11 Proceedings of the Third ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings. (pp. pp. 61-66). AMC Green open access

Ponce, Vìctor; Gorga, Mario; Baró, Xavier; Escalera, Sergio; (2011) Human Behavior Analysis from Video Data Using Bag-of-Gestures. In: Walsh, Toby, (ed.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (pp. pp. 2836-2837). AAAI Press/International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access


Rehmatulla, N; (2011) Applying systems thinking approach for qualitative analysis of GHG emissions regulations in shipping. Presented at: International Conference on Marine and Maritime Affairs, Plymouth. Green open access

Roberts, EPL; Scamman, DP; (2011) Techno-Economic Modelling Of A Utility-Scale Redox Flow Battery System. In: (Proceedings) Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies Conference 2011, San Diego, California, US. Electricity Energy Storage Systems, US Department of Energy Green open access


Shipworth, M; (2011) Thermostat settings in English houses No evidence of change between 1984 and 2007. Building and Environment , 46 (3) 635 -642. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.09.009. Green open access

Smith, TWP; Barrett, M; O'Keefe, E; Parker, S; Rehmatulla, N; (2011) Initial Estimates On Shipping’s Cost Impacts and Emissions for a Range of Policy Options - A Prototype Model. In: (Proceedings) Low Carbon Shipping. Green open access

Smith, AZP; (2011) Why the Green Economy? INFO magazine , 2011 (Nov/Dec) 36 - 37. Green open access

Smith, L; Fouseki, K; (2011) The Role of Museums as ‘Places of Social Justice’: Community Consultation and the 1807 Bicentenary. In: Smith, L and Cubitt, G and Wilson, R and Fouseki, K, (eds.) Representing Enslavement and Abolition in Museums: Ambiguous Engagements. (pp. 97-115). Routledge: New York. Green open access

Steger, S; Bleischwitz, R; (2011) Drivers for the use of materials across countries. Journal of Cleaner Production , 19 (8) pp. 816-826. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2010.08.016. Green open access

Summerfield, A; Raslan, R; Lowe, R; Oreszczyn, T; (2011) How useful are building energy models for policy? A UK perspective. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International IBPSA Conference (BS 2011). (pp. pp. 2477-2482). IBPSA: Sydney, Australia. Green open access


Trutnevyte, E; Stauffacher, M; Scholr, RW; (2011) From visions to action: Novel approach to linking energy visions with energy scenarios and assessing the consequences. ETH-UNS: Zurich. Green open access


UCCI, M; Biddulph, P; Oreszczyn, T; Crowther, D; Wilkinson, T; Pretlove, S; Hart, B; (2011) Application of a transient hygrothermal population model for house dust mites in beds: assessment of control strategies in UK buildings. Journal of Building Performance Simulation , 4 (3) 285 - 300. 10.1080/19401493.2010.532235. Green open access

Unwin, J; (2011) Night Lighting in Hospitals - Impact on staff and patients. Lighting Journal: official journal of the institution of lighting engineers (27) Green open access

USHER, PW; Strachan, N; (2011) UK MARKAL Modelling - Examining Decarbonisation Pathways in the 2020s on the Way to Meeting the 2050 Emissions Target. UCL Energy Institute, University College London: London, UK. Green open access


Wilts, H; Bringezu, S; Bleischwitz, R; Lucas, R; Wittmer, D; (2011) Challenges of metal recycling and an international covenant as possible instrument of a globally extended producer responsibility. Waste Management & Research , 29 (9) pp. 902-910. 10.1177/0734242X11415311. Green open access


Zimmermann, NS; (2011) Mechanisms of Consumer Boycotts: Evidence from the Nestlé Infant Food Controversy. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. (pp. p. 111). The System Dynamics Society: University at Albany, State University of New York. Green open access

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