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Number of items: 129.
Bâcle, B;
Les contre-écritures de Maine de Biran (1766-1824) et de Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834).
, 20
Biedermann, Z;
The Temporal Politics of Spiritual Conquest: History, Geography and Franciscan Orientalism in the Conquista Espiritual do Oriente of Friar Paulo da Trindade.
Culture & History Digital Journal
, 5
, Article e014. 10.3989/chdj.2016.014.
Bolanos-Garcia-Escribano, A;
Baños Piñero, Rocío and Díaz Cintas, Jorge (eds) (2015). Audiovisual Translation in a Global Context: Mapping and Ever-changing Landscape. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 291, £65.00. ISBN: 978-1-137-55288-4 (hardback).
JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation
pp. 308-311.
Boxall, P;
Jonik, M;
Coetzee, JM;
Franklin, S;
Milne, D;
Felski, R;
Salisbury, L;
... Smith, A; + view all
30@30: the future of literary thinking.
Textual Practice
, 30
pp. 1149-1185.
Bray, PM;
Lazy Proust and Literary ‘Work’.
Nottingham French Studies
, 55
pp. 18-28.
Brodie, G;
The sweetheart factor: Tracing translation in Martin Crimp’s writing for theatre.
Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance
, 9
pp. 83-96.
Chiari, EC;
The whisper with a thousand echoes: Tony Gentile’s photograph of Falcone and Borsellino.
Modern Italy
, 21
pp. 441-452.
Daly, Selena;
Enhancing employability skills through the use of film in the language classroom.
The Language Learning Journal
, 44
pp. 140-151.
Daly, Selena;
Ennio Valentinelli: A Forgotten Futurist.
MLN (Italian Issue)
, 131
, Article Project MUSE. 10.1353/mln.2016.0004.
Declercq, C;
Baker, H;
The Pelabon Munitions works and the Belgian village on the Thames: Community and forgetfulness in outer-metropolitan suburbs.
Immigrants & Minorities
, 34
pp. 151-170.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Parini, I;
Ranzato, I;
The Discreet Charm of Manipulation.
Altre Modernità: NUMERO SPECIALE Ideological Manipulation in Audiovisual Translation
(Spec. I.)
Dickie, J;
Mafia and Prostitution in Calabria, c. 1880 - c. 1940.
Past & Present
, 232
pp. 203-236.
Dootson, K;
“The Hollywood Powder Puff War”: Technicolor Cosmetics in the 1930s.
Film History
, 28
pp. 107-131.
Evans, J;
Viejo, B;
Dossier: correspondencia entre Luis Buñuel y Amos Vogel.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies
, 93
pp. 721-738.
Ferrara degli Uberti, C;
Review of La società udinese e gli ebrei fra la Restaurazione e l’età unitaria. Mondi cattolici, emancipazione e integrazione della minoranza ebraica a Udine 1830-1866/70, by Emanuele D’Antonio.
Quest : Issues in Contemporary Jewish History.
, 2016
pp. 185-189.
Feuchtwang, S;
Maxwell, C;
Clark, T;
Hall, J;
Bennington, G;
Docherty, T;
Rooney, C;
... Bloom, H; + view all
On Ann Wordsworth: Some Reflections and Reminiscences.
Oxford Literary Review
, 38
pp. 309-332.
García-Escribano, AB;
Culture in Theatre Translation: The Case of "Les Fourberies de Scapin" (1671) Translated by Julio Gómez de la Serna / La cultura en la traducción teatral: el caso de la versión de "Les Fourberies de Scapin" (1671) por Julio Gómez de la Serna.
Estudios de Traducción
, 6
pp. 9-23.
Hanrahan, M;
McQuillan, M;
Morgan Wortham, S;
Resounding Glas.
, 39
pp. 125-128.
Hanrahan, MMC;
Double Signature.
Paragraph: a journal of modern critical theory
, 39
pp. 165-186.
Hewitson, M;
German Soldiers and the Horror of War: Fear of Death and the Joy of Killing in 1870 and 1914.
, 101
pp. 396-424.
Hewitson, M;
Introduction: Military and Political Violence in History and Theory.
, 101
pp. 337-361.
Ibbett, KM;
Preface: Hungry Like The Wolf.
Kiely, JD;
Frigide Barjot; homophile malgré tout?
Kord, ST;
Gangs and guilt: Towards a new theory of horror film (Sunderland, L, Trans.).
Cultural Dynamics
, 28
pp. 69-83.
Kringelbach, HN;
"Marrying Out" for Love: Women's Narratives of Polygyny and Alternative Marriage Choices in Contemporary Senegal.
African Studies Review
, 59
pp. 155-174.
Kuldkepp, M;
Alternatiivajalugu kirjanduslõksus.
, 2016
pp. 203-208.
Kuldkepp, M;
Dokument kõneleb. 1905. aasta põgenikud võtsid Rootsis laulu üles.
, 4
p. 11.
Kuldkepp, M;
Elulugu ja ajalugu, ühed mustad mõlemad.
pp. 185-187.
Kuldkepp, M;
Myten om 'den gamla goda svensktiden' och dess betydelse för Estland.
Aktuellt om historia
, 2016
pp. 53-66.
Kuldkepp, M;
Swedish political attitudes towards Baltic independence in the short 20th century.
Ajalooline Ajakiri
pp. 397-430.
Kuldkepp, M;
Tundmatu 1905. aasta.
, 33
pp. 8-9.
Kuldkepp, M;
Vene sõjaväe eestlastest desertöörid Esimese maailmasõja ajal Rootsis [Estonian deserters from the Russian Army to Sweden during World War I].
Ajalooline Ajakiri
, 155
pp. 9-40.
Kuldkepp, M;
Piirimäe, P;
Piirimäe, K;
Sissejuhatus. Introduction.
Ajalooline Ajakiri
pp. 3-8.
Lee, ARA;
Harvey, E;
Sreenan, N;
Rossoni, S;
Powell, M;
Woodcock, A;
Editor's Note.
, 3
pp. 3-4.
Li, XA;
The Abject Heterotopia: Le Città Invisibili and ‘Junkspace.
Forum for Modern Language Studies
, 52
pp. 70-80.
Liebscher, M;
The Challenges of Editorship: A Reflection on editing the Jung-Neumann Correspondence.
Journal of Analytical Psychology
, 61
pp. 155-171.
Martin, D;
Lucrecia Martel's Nueva Argirópolis: Rivers, Rumours and Resistance.
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies
, 25
pp. 449-465.
Moreau, IMM;
Jean-Pierre Cavaillé, Les Déniaisés. Irreligion et libertinage au début de l'époque moderne.
Revue de l'Histoire des Religions
, 1
pp. 131-134.
Moreau, IMM;
A Review of Matières incandescentes: problématiques matérialistes des Lumières françaises (1650-1780). By Pierre Berthiaume. Montréal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal. 2014.
The Modern Language Review
, 111
pp. 256-257.
Mussgnug, F;
Amicizia postumana? Storie di guerra e riconciliazione.
Contemporanea, Rivista di studi sulla letteratura e sulla comunicazione
, 13
pp. 171-175.
Nabugodi, Mathelinda;
Answering the Question: "What is Life?".
Antae: Postgraduate Journal on the Interspaces of Art and Literature
, 3
pp. 149-166.
Núñez Faraco, HR;
J. L. Borges on Dreams, Nightmares and the Supernatural: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Pearce, A;
Minister and Viceroy, Paisano and Amigo: The Private Correspondence of the Marqués de la Ensenada and the Conde de Superunda, 1745-1749.
The Americas
, 73
pp. 477-490.
Raboin, T;
Exhortations of happiness: liberalism and nationalism in the discourses on LGBTI asylum rights in the UK.
, 20
pp. 663-681.
Ramalho, JR;
The aesthetics of the tangible: haptic motifs and sensory contagion in gothic terror films.
The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies
, 15
pp. 96-112.
Ring, A;
System Error: Complicity with Surveillance in Contemporary Workplace Documentaries.
Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies
, 52
pp. 465-489.
Rushworth, J;
Mourning and Intermittence between Proust and Barthes.
, 39
pp. 269-287.
Salamanca Charria, BE;
Early Modern Controversies of Mobility within the Spanish Empire: Francisco de Vitoria and the Peaceful Right to Travel.
Sas, CE;
Standaardiseringsproces niet zo lineair als gedacht.
Internationale Neerlandistiek
, 54
pp. 95-98.
Stougaard-Nielsen, J;
Criminal logistics: Globalization, containerization and tragedy in Scandinavian crime fiction.
Journal of World Literature
, 1
pp. 519-537.
Stougaard-Nielsen, J;
Høje tanker og tryksværte i romantikken: antologi reviderer vores syn på 1800-tallets digtning og bogmarked i Skandinavian og Storbritannien.
Standart: Anmeldelser af ny litteratur
, 2016
pp. 62-63.
Stougaard-Nielsen, J;
Nordic noir in the UK: The allure of accessible difference.
Journal of Aesthetics & Culture
, 8
Szarkowska, A;
Krejtz, I;
Pilipczuk, O;
Dutka, Ł;
Kruger, J-L;
The effects of text editing and subtitle presentation rate on the comprehension and reading patterns of interlingual and intralingual subtitles among deaf, hard of hearing and hearing viewers.
Across Languages and Cultures
, 17
pp. 183-204.
Szarkowska, A;
Krejtz, K;
Dutka, L;
Pilipczuk, O;
Cognitive load in intralingual and interlingual respeaking-a preliminary study.
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
, 52
pp. 209-233.
Thorogood, JOE;
Satire and geopolitics: vulgarity, ambiguity and the body grotesque in South Park.
, 21
pp. 215-235.
Tiedau, U;
Forty years of Low Countries Studies.
Dutch Crossing
, 40
pp. 165-167.
Wagner, KB;
Jang, I-G;
The 3-D Animated Codescape: Imperfection and Digital Labor Zones in Wall-E (2008) and Wreck-It Ralph (2012).
, 11
pp. 130-145.
Welsh, A;
'For the bibliographers at UCL': A Humument and the lessons it teaches 21st century librarians.
Art Libraries Journal
, 41
pp. 209-223.
Welsh, A;
MarcEdit for Mac and the rare books researcher.
Catalogue and Index
, 184
pp. 2-13.
Welsh, A;
The rare books catalog and the scholarly database.
Cataloging and Classification Quarterly
, 54
pp. 317-337.
Bird, S and Fulbrook, M and Wagner, J and Wienand, C (Eds).
Reverberations of Nazi Violence in Germany and Beyond: Disturbing Pasts.
European History.
Bloomsbury Academic: London.
Fenoulhet, J and Gilbert, L (Eds).
Narratives of Low Countries History and Culture.
Global Dutch.
UCL Press: London.
Tiedau, U and Fenoulhet, J and QUIST, G (Eds).
Discord and Consensus in the Low Countries, 1700-2000.
Global Dutch.
UCL Press: London.
Vincent, PF (Ed).
Poems of Guido Gezelle.
UCL Press: London.
Bird, SR;
Comedy and Trauma in Austria and Germany after 1945: The Inner Side of Mourning.
Germanic Literatures.
(1st ed.).
Legenda: Oxford, UK.
Fulbrook, M;
Erfahrung, Erinnerung, Geschichtsschreibung. Neue Perspektiven auf die deutschen Diktaturen.
Jena Center Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Vorträge und Kolloquien: Vol.17.
(1st ed.).
Wallstein Verlag: Göttingen, Germany.
Martin, D;
The cinema of Lucrecia Martel.
Spanish and Latin American Filmmakers.
Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK.
Piercey, N;
Four Histories about Early Dutch Football 1910-1920.
UCL Press: London.
Book chapter
Bajaj, B;
Majumdar, A;
Pilot-controller communication issues and an initial exploration of language-engineering technologies as a potential solution.
In: Di Bucchianico, G and Vallicelli, A and Stanton, NA and Landry, SJ, (eds.)
Human factors in transportation: Social and technological evolution across maritime, road, rail, and aviation domains.
CRC Press: Boca Raton, London, New York.
Brodie, GS;
“It’s Deeper Than That”: Manifestations of Schleiermacher in Martin Crimp’s Writing and Translation for Theater.
In: Seruya, T and Miranda Justo, J, (eds.)
Rereading Schleiermacher: translation, cognition and culture.
(pp. 233-243).
Springer: Heidelberg, Germany.
Brodie, GS;
The translator takes the stage: Clair in Crimp's The City.
In: Woods, M, (ed.)
Authorizing translation: Literature, theory and translation.
(pp. 47-60).
Routledge: Abingdon, United Kingdom.
Carbone, E;
Reading Sculpture: The Remediation of Thorvaldsen’s Sculpture in Printed Culture.
In: Ayres, S and Carbone, E, (eds.)
Sculpture and the Nordic Region.
(pp. 88-101).
Routledge: London, UK.
Coxon, SC;
Ein kurzweil von einem edelman: Zur Rezeptionslenkung und Sympathiesteuerung in den Schwankmären Hans Rosenplüts.
In: Dimpel, FM and Velten, HR, (eds.)
Techniken der Sympathiesteuerung in Erzähltexten der Vormoderne.
(pp. 165-180).
Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg: Heidelberg, Germany.
Coxon, SC;
was betütt das lachen dein? Lachen, Sprechen und Schweigen in komischen Kurzerzählungen.
In: Röcke, W and Velten, HR, (eds.)
Lachen und Schweigen: Grenzen und Lizenzen der Kommunikation in der Erzählliteratur des Mittelalters.
(pp. 139-156).
De Gruyter: Berlin/Munich/Boston.
Declercq, C;
German communities and their Expulsion (Belgium).
In: Debruyne, E, (ed.)
1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War.
(pp. 1-4).
Freie Universität Berlin: Berlin, Germany.
Dickie, J;
Truzzolillo, F;
'Prefazione' and 'Postfazione'.
In: Rossi, A, (ed.)
Nel regno di Musolino.
Rubbettino: Soveria Mannelli, Italy.
Federici, FM;
Introduction: A State of Emergency for Crisis Communication.
In: Federici, FM, (ed.)
Mediating Emergencies and Conflicts Frontline Translating and Interpreting.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK.
Fisher, T;
Lehtinen, J;
The Female Colossus in the New World: Innovations on a Classical Motif in José Martí's Modernismo.
In: Goldwyn, AJ and Nikopoulos, J, (eds.)
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Classics in International Modernism and the Avant-Garde.
(pp. 19-37).
Brill: Leiden and Boston.
Gilbert, JL;
Valenciennes (Hainault).
In: Wallace, D, (ed.)
Europe: A Literary History, 1348-1418.
(pp. 53-69).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Horan, Geraldine T;
'Sprache der Heimat': Discourses of dialect and identity in modern-day Cologne.
In: Rutten, G and Horner, K, (eds.)
Metalinguistic Perspectives on Germanic Languages. European Case Studies from Past to Present.
Peter Lang: Oxford, United Kingdom.
Keen, C;
The Patterning of History: Poetry, Politics, and Adamic Renewal.
In: Corbett, G and Webb, H, (eds.)
Vertical readings in Dante's Comedy.
(pp. 55-75).
Open Book Publishers: Cambridge, UK.
Keen, C;
Deh, quando rivedrò il dolce paese: considerazioni tematiche e formali sulla satira ciniana.
In: Arqués Corominas, R and Tranfaglia, S, (eds.)
Cino da Pistoia nella storia della poesia italiana.
(pp. 143-152).
Franco Cesati Editore: Florence, Italy.
Keen, C;
A Florentine Tullio: Dual Authorship and the Politics of Translation in Brunetto Latini's Rettorica.
In: Manuwald, G, (ed.)
The Afterlife of Cicero: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplements.
(pp. 1-16).
ICS: London, UK.
Kuldkepp, M;
Rahvusliku enesemääramise läbi Saksamaa külge: eestlased anneksionistliku Saksa poliitika sihtmärgina 1918. aasta okupatsiooni eel.
In: Tannberg, T, (ed.)
Esimene maailmasõda ja Eesti II.
(pp. 369-433).
Eesti Ajalooarhiiv: Tartu, Estonia.
Li, XA;
Preserving Life Force: Artaud and Zhuangzi on the Body.
In: Plunkett, T and Noble, F and Ferreboeuf, R, (eds.)
Preservation, Radicalism and the Avant-Garde Canon.
(pp. 153-169).
Palgrave Macmillan: US.
Lindsay, CR;
Fogwill y la vergüenza de Malvinas.
In: Duran, M, (ed.)
Relatos de Malvinas. Paradojas en la representación e imaginario nacional.
(pp. 193-218).
Eduvim: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Martin, Deborah;
Feminine Adolescence and Transgressive Materiality in the Films of Lucrecia Martel.
In: Handyside, F, (ed.)
International Cinema and the Girl: Local Issues, Transnational Contexts.
(pp. 63-73).
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, United Kingdom.
Maus de Rolley, T;
Le diable à la foire: Jongleurs, bateleurs et prestigiateurs dans le discours démonologique à la Renaissance.
In: Dickhaut, K, (ed.)
Die Kunst der Täuschung – Art of Deception: über Status und Bedeutung von ästhetischer und dämonischer Illusion in der Frühen Neuzeit (1400-1700) in Italien und Frankreich.
(pp. 173-195).
Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden, Germany.
Maus de Rolley, T;
A world within: The devil, delusions and early modern cognition.
In: Mac Carthy, I and Sellevold, K and Smith, O, (eds.)
Cognitive confusions: Dreams, delusions and illusions in early modern culture.
(pp. 71-88).
Legenda: Oxford, UK.
Maus de Rolley, T;
Putting the devil on the map: Demonology and cosmography in the Renaissance.
In: Vermeir, K and Regier, J, (eds.)
Boundaries, extents and circulations: Space and spatiality in early modern natural philosophy.
(pp. 179-207).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Maus de Rolley, Thibaut;
The English afterlife of a French magician: The Life and Death of Lewis Gaufredy (1612).
In: Glomski, J and Moreau, I, (eds.)
Seventeenth-Century Fiction: Text and Transmission.
(pp. 34-48).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, United Kingdom.
Moreau, Isabelle MM;
Seventeenth-Century Fiction in the Making.
In: Moreau, I and Glomski, J, (eds.)
Seventeenth-Century Fiction: Text and Transmission.
(pp. 1-16).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Neveu Kringelbach, H;
The paradox of parallel lives: immigration policy and transnational polygyny between Senegal and France.
In: Cole, J and Groes, C, (eds.)
Affective Circuits: African Migrations to Europe and the Pursuit of Social Regeneration.
(pp. 146-168).
University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL, USA.
Neveu Kringelbach, H;
Dance at the 1966 World Festival of Negro Arts: Of 'fabulous dancers' and Negritude undermined.
In: Murphy, D, (ed.)
The First World Festival of Negro Arts, Dakar 1966: Contexts and Legacies.
(pp. 64-82).
Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, UK.
Ring, AG;
Collaboration as Collapse in the Life-Writing and Stasi Shadow-Documents of Monika Maron and Christa Wolf.
Secret Police Files from the Eastern Bloc: Between Surveillance and Life Writing.
(pp. 115-136).
Boydell and Brewer: Rochester, NY.
Sampson, LM;
Reforming Theatre in Farnese Parma: The Case of the Accademia degli Innominati (1574–1608).
In: Everson, JE and Reidy, DV and Sampson, LM, (eds.)
The Italian Academies 1525-1700. Networks of Culture, Innovation and Dissent.
(pp. 62-76).
Legenda / Routledge: Oxford, UK.
Sampson, LM;
Performing female cultural sociability between court and academy: Isabella Pallavicino Lupi and Angelo Ingegneri’s Danza di Venere (1584).
In: Jossa, S and Pieri, G, (eds.)
Chivalry, Academy, and Cultural Dialogues: The Italian Contribution to European Culture. Essays in honour of Jane E. Everson.
(pp. 107-121).
Legenda: Oxford, UK.
Samson, A;
Epilogue: Exchanges: Time to Face the Strange?
In: Hackett, H, (ed.)
Early Modern Exchanges: Dialogues Between Nations and Cultures, 1550-1750 (Transculturalisms, 1400-1700).
(pp. 243-250).
Routledge: London, United Kindom.
Samson, Alexander;
Rebeldes or luchadores por la libertad? Los amotinados de Flandes.
In: Rodriguez Perez, Y and Sanchez Jimenez, A, (eds.)
La leyenda negra en el crisol de la comedia: El teatro del Siglo de Oro frente a los estereotipos antihispanicos.
(pp. 121-139).
Iberoamericana Vervuert: Madrid, Spain.
Samson, Alexander;
Culture under Mary I and Philip.
In: Schutte, V and Duncan, S, (eds.)
The Birth of a Queen: Essays on the Quincentenary of Mary I.
(pp. 155-178).
Palgrave MacMillan: New York, NY, USA.
Shuttleworth, M;
A corpus-based study of metaphor in translation.
Empirical translation studies: Interdisciplinary methodologies explored.
(pp. 7-29).
Equinox Publishing: Sheffield.
Sica, B;
Alfonso Gatto e l’operetta buffa dell’uomo a cavallo.
In: Ajello, E, (ed.)
Un poeta in prosa. Alfonso Gatto. Cronache del piacere (1957-1958).
(pp. 389-393).
Edizioni Sinestesie: Avellino, Italy.
Sica, B;
Parigi 1929-1931 e oltre.
In: Manetti, B, (ed.)
Paola Masino.
(pp. 109-133).
Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori: Milan, Italy.
Stougaard-Nielsen, J;
Nordiske krimidronninger, 1990-2015.
In: Mai, A-M, (ed.)
Nordisk kvindelitteraturhistorie. over alle grænser 1990-2015.
(pp. 141-152).
Syddansk Universitetsforlag: Odense, Denmark.
Thomson, C;
Education, enlightenment, and general propaganda’: Dansk Kulturfilm and Carl Th. Dreyer’s short films.
In: Hjort, M and Lindqvist, U, (eds.)
Companion to Nordic cinema.
(pp. 78-97).
Wiley Blackwell: Malden, MA, USA.
Walker, Julian;
Declercq, Christophe;
In: Walker, Julian, (ed.)
Languages and the First World War: Representation and Memory.
(pp. 1-18).
Palgrave Macmillan UK
Walker, Julian;
Declercq, Christophe;
Belgium and the Semantic Flux of Flemish, French and Flemings.
In: Walker, Julian and Declercq, Christophe, (eds.)
Languages and the First World War: Communicating in a Transnational War.
(pp. 159-172).
Palgrave Macmillan: London, United Kindom.
Welsh, A;
"Expertise ... certification ... cultural capital": the education of librarians in the UK.
In: Seadle, M and Chu, CM and Stöckel, U and Crumpton, B, (eds.)
Educating the profession: 40 years of the IFLA Section on Education and Training.
(pp. 47-67).
De Gruyter: Munich, Germany.
Proceedings paper
Terras, MM;
Baker, J;
Hetherington, J;
Beavan, D;
Welsh, A;
O'Neill, H;
Finley, W;
... Austwick, M; + view all
Enabling Complex Analysis of Large-Scale Digital Collections: Humanities Research, High Performance Computing, and transforming access to British Library Digital Collections.
Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts.
(pp. pp. 376-379).
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations: Jagiellonian University and Pedagogical University, Kraków, Poland.
Collaborative work;
2016 Language Industry Survey – Expectations and Concerns of the European Language Industry.
(2016 Language Industry Survey
, pp. pp. 1-17
EUATC:European Union of Associations of Translation Companies, Elia:European Language Industry Association, GALA :Globalization & Localization Association, EMT:European Master's in Translation university network, Language industry platform (LIND)
Szarkowska, A;
Report on the results of an online survey on subtitle presentation times and line breaks in interlingual subtitling. Part 1: Subtitlers.
(Exploring Subtitle Reading Process with Eye Tracking Technology (SURE)”
AVT Lab: London, UK.
Szarkowska, A;
Report on the results of an online survey on subtitle presentation times and line breaks in interlingual subtitling. Part 2: Companies.
(Exploring Subtitle Reading Process with Eye Tracking Technology (SURE)
AVT Lab: London, UK.
Conference item
Tiedau, U;
London as part of our Campus: an example from Dutch Studies.
Presented at: UCL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, London, UK.
Welsh, A;
Cataloguer as distant collaborator: implications of the use of catalogue data in Humanities research.
Presented at: Emerging Research in Library and Information Science, Institute of Historical Research, London, United Kingdom.
Welsh, A;
Gladstone's Library as a writer's library and its scholarly contribution.
Presented at: Gladstone Umbrella 2016, Hawarden, Wales.
Welsh, A;
Specialist learning within generalist teaching: what do early career health librarians need to know?
Presented at: University Health and Medical Librarians Group, Glasgow, Scotland.
Arshad, Y;
Imagining Cleopatra: Performing Gender and Power in Early Modern England.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Harvey, EP;
National Identity Formation in Costa Rican Literary and Film Cultures, 1970-2015: Constructions and Challenges.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Hulme, HA;
On Violence and Vision: Ethics and Aesthetics of Translation in the Work of Atxaga, Kundera and Semprún.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Johnson, RM;
Reading Barbara Köhler's Niemands Frau as a Radical Poetic Response to Homer's Odyssey.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Kadiu, S;
Translating translation theory: a critical and practical investigation of reflexivity in translation.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London);.
Keens, LA;
Scenes of a sexual nature: theorising representations of sex and the sexual body in the sagas of the Icelanders.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Schiavone, O;
Luca Martini. Literature, Criticism, Art and Politics as Instruments of Duke Cosimo I’s Power in Renaissance Florence.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Sutherland, C;
Negotiating Space: Women Writers and Artists of the Latin American Vanguard.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Zuckerwise, GM;
Conceptualizing culture in discourses of policy and reform in Amsterdam.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Digital scholarly resource
Connolly, JE;
'Collaboration (France and Belgium),' in 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Mussgnug, F;
In difesa del melodramma. Meno paternalismo e più dibattito, please.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Mussgnug, F;
Perché le cose sono andate storte in Gran Bretagna.
[Digital scholarly resource].