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Effective teaching of literacy in Cyprus: an investigation of the practice of Grade 1 teachers

Kyriakides, Elena; (2014) Effective teaching of literacy in Cyprus: an investigation of the practice of Grade 1 teachers. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

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A key finding from the research into school effectiveness is that children's educational progress is highly dependent on effective teachers (Darling-­‐Hammond, 2000; DEST, 2005; NCQT, 2011). But, the literature into teacher effectiveness offers less literacy-­‐specific evidence. Nonetheless, successful literacy learning in Grade 1 is crucial as it has long lasting consequences on children's literacy development (Riley, 1996, 2007; Tymms et al., 2009), thus making the effective teaching of literacy an important focus of investigation. Researchers have also raised the issue of the inter-­‐relationship of effective teaching and the context within which it takes place (Hopkins and Reynolds, 2001; Campbell et al, 2003). Within the specific context of Cyprus there is a paucity of evidence into teachers' literacy practices in correlation with the insights from the effectiveness research. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate this particular context and use the insights offered in order to illuminate thinking about effective literacy teaching practice. In order to do so, it draws upon relevant bodies of literature, to identify the features of effective literacy teaching in Grade 1 classrooms. By using these teachers as a lens into teaching practices, the study explores what these teachers do and also how the omissions in their practice compare with the literature in the field, as well as what they do differently and which has not, as yet, been widely recognised. In addition, the study examines what teachers report they rely on and how they claim to have learned their practice. The study is located within a qualitative -­‐ interpretive paradigm, using thematic coding to deductively and inductively analyse classroom observations and interview data from fifteen teachers who were deemed to be effective. The findings offer an agenda to re-­‐consider both the content and pedagogy of effective literacy teaching in Grade 1. Also, the implications that arise for programmes of Initial Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development are addressed.

Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Qualification: Ph.D
Title: Effective teaching of literacy in Cyprus: an investigation of the practice of Grade 1 teachers
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Language: English
Keywords: literacy teaching, effective teaching, teachers' practices, qualitative research, interviews, observations
UCL classification: UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > School of Education > UCL Institute of Education
URI: https://discovery-pp.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10018408
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