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Anglo-American poetry and Japan, 1900-1950: A critical bibliography

Ewick, Charles David; (2001) Anglo-American poetry and Japan, 1900-1950: A critical bibliography. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

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From the advent of literary Japonisme late in the nineteenth century through the literary and cultural upheavals of the twentieth century Japanese literature, visual arts, aesthetic principles, and landscapes imaginative and real have attracted the attention of many of the most remarkable and remarked upon poets of Britain and the United States. This work provides a critical and bibliographical overview of the works that constitute the textual fabric of this attraction, focusing particularly on the first half of the twentieth century, when Japan first emerged as a determinative presence in Anglo-American verse. The introduction, 'Anglo-American Poetry and the Special Case of Japan', places the work under study in historical context, and is followed by four bibliographical sections. Section A, 'Critical and Comparative Studies', provides a chronological listing of general secondary works that have addressed the use of Japanese subjects and forms in Anglo-American poetry. Section B, 'Poets Central to the Study', provides chronological listings of primary and secondary materials by and about twelve writers whose mediation of Japanese subjects and forms was most significant among Anglo-American poets active from 1900 to 1950: Conrad Aiken, Richard Aldington, Laurence Binyon, Edmund Blunden, Witter Bynner, William Empson, Arthur Davison Ficke, John Gould Fletcher, Amy Lowell, William Plomer, Ezra Pound, and W. B. Yeats. Section C, 'Other Materials', includes selected listings of works by and about other Anglo-American poets whose mediation of Japanese materials has been significant (CA), a selected listing of relevant archives (CB), and a selected listing of secondary works that focus on the larger influence of Japan in the West (CC). Section D, 'Sources of Influence and Transmission', provides a bibliographical overview of the writers and texts that have provided Anglo-American poets with many of their images and understandings of Japan and Japanese forms.

Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Qualification: Ph.D
Title: Anglo-American poetry and Japan, 1900-1950: A critical bibliography
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Language: English
Additional information: Thesis digitised by ProQuest.
Keywords: Language, literature and linguistics; American poetry
URI: https://discovery-pp.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10097434
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