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Implications of hierarchical name resolution and name space in dynamic distributed networks

Quintela, Maria Paula Alves Pereira; (1998) Implications of hierarchical name resolution and name space in dynamic distributed networks. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

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Mobility support is an emerging design consideration that poses challenging problems for all protocol layers of computer and communications networks. Naming systems gain a special importance in a dynamic environment, because a network resource unique identifier has to be dissociated from its address. This dissertation investigates the consequences and implications of designing a distributed naming system and its ability to support a dynamic and evolving environment. The objective is to adopt a distributed approach so that scalability is introduced but the extra complexity due to the distribution of the data is minimized by the use of simple state- independent transactions, where the atomicity property is relaxed, making the system naturally robust and capable of self-management. The idea is to test the level of distribution such a system can support by imposing complete independence among the system's nodes. This thesis presents a general name resolution protocol, called REMUS (Routing Enquiry Mechanisms Utilizing Strategy), designed according to the described strategy. Its applicability has been immediately recognized by industry and the system is now patented. REMUS is capable of resolving any name scheme reliably and efficiently. It does not assume any special organization to the name syntax or the encoding of any information into the name. Hence. REMUS provides the general service of resolving a unique identifier into its associated data independently of how the unique identifier has been assigned to the network resources. A general name resolution protocol such as REMUS is required in heterogeneous distributed environments like the Internet. The Internet is an ever evolving and expanding computing environment with local independent administrative control, hence it needs systems that are flexible and general enough to accommodate changes. REMUS can be tuned to resolve specific name schemes according to the associated applications so that its performance is optimized, or it can be used as a unifying resolution protocol, encompassing existing and future naming systems.

Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Qualification: Ph.D
Title: Implications of hierarchical name resolution and name space in dynamic distributed networks
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Language: English
Additional information: Thesis digitised by ProQuest.
Keywords: Applied sciences; Dynamic distributed networks
URI: https://discovery-pp.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10099612
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