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A prototype environmental information system for London (London Environment Online or "LEO")

Evans, S; (1999) A prototype environmental information system for London (London Environment Online or "LEO"). (CASA Working Papers ). UCL (University College London), Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

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Current access to environmental information about London can be slow andtedious. This is because different organisations, (both private companies andpublic bodies) hold environmental information relating to London and rarelyintegrate this information. In some instances free public access to thisinformation is not possible. In other situations, access is possible, but theinformation is often stored in a ?user unfriendly format?. This may beincomprehensible ?tabular? data, or data that is stored in a format that requiresthe user to purchase specialist software before attempting to view theinformation. Environmental Information Systems aim to integrate and improveaccess to this information and provide a variety of tools and technologies toassist the management and use of environmentally related data andinformation.This project aims to bring together some of this environmental data for Londonand provide access to it in an easier format. The main goal was to develop aprototype Environmental Information System for London. The system shoulddemonstrate how it is possible to combine information and provide a greaterinsight into London?s environmental situation. The system should alsocommunicate environmental information about London to a potentially ?wideranging audience? in an easy to use and intuitive manner.The outcome was London Environmental Information System or ?LondonEnvironment Online? (LEO) as it has been named. The naming includes theword ?Online? because it a new breed of Environmental Information Systemthat operates over the Internet or World Wide Web. This addresses severalissues since it allows a large number of people to access the system from avariety of locations. It also means that, although the core of the systemdepends upon expensive and powerful software packages, hardware anddatabases, the data within this can be used via a basic ?Internet Browser? or?Web Browser?. Web Browsers are typically free and commonly used on mostdesktop computers around the world to day.The report itself is directed to stakeholders involved in the monitoring andmanagement of the London environment. This ranges from senior politiciansand ministers responsible for implementing environmental policy to thosecollecting the basic data in the field and those responsible for storing anddisseminating this information. Particularly, the document is directed at centraland local government departments in their role as environmental decisionmakersand managers. It is also of interest to public watchdogs, communityorganisations and non-government organisations (NGO?s) interested in toolsfor supplying environmental information.

Type: Working / discussion paper
Title: A prototype environmental information system for London (London Environment Online or "LEO")
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Additional information: Imported via OAI, 7:29:01 19th Nov 2005
UCL classification: UCL
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL BEAMS
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL BEAMS > Faculty of the Built Environment
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL BEAMS > Faculty of the Built Environment > Bartlett School Env, Energy and Resources
URI: https://discovery-pp.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1361
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