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Abels, K; (2001) Zur Kasuswahl beim direkten Objekt in verneinten Sätzen im Russischen: Eine übersetzungsrelevante Studie zur Syntax und Semantik. Masters thesis , Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Achermann, JC; Ito, M; Silverman, BL; Habiby, RL; Pang, S; Rosler, A; Jameson, JL; (2001) Missense mutations cluster within the carboxyl-terminal region of DAX-1 and impair transcriptional repression. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 86 (7) 3171 - 3175. 10.1210/jc.86.7.3171. Green open access

Alba, MM; Lee, D; Pearl, FMG; Shepherd, AJ; Martin, N; Orengo, CA; Kellam, P; (2001) VIDA: a virus database system for the organization of animal virus genome open reading frames. Nucleic Acids Research , 29 (1) 133 - 136. 10.1093/nar/29.1.133. Green open access

Attwell, PJE; Rahman, S; Yeo, CH; (2001) Acquisition of eyeblink conditioning is critically dependent upon normal function in cerebellar cortical lobule HVI. Journal of Neuroscience , 21 (15) 5715 - 5722. Green open access

Ayana, M; Pound, P; Lampe, F; Ebrahim, S; (2001) Improving stroke patients' care: a patient held record is not enough. BMC Health Services Research , 1 , Article 1. 10.1186/1472-6963-1-1. Green open access


Babar, C; (2001) Measurements of the Branching Fractions of Exclusive Charmless B Meson Decays with Eta-prime and Omega Mesons. Physical Review Letters , 87 (22) , Article 221802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.221802. Green open access

Badia, L; Lund, VJ; (2001) A case of rhinoscleroma treated with ciprofloxacin. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 115 (3) pp. 220-222. 10.1258/0022215011907028. Green open access

Becker, S; Burgess, N; (2001) Modelling spatial recall, mental imagery and neglect. ADVANCES IN NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS 13 , 13 pp. 96-102. Green open access

Bedford, H; de Louvois, J; Halket, S; Peckham, C; Hurley, R; Harvey, D; (2001) Meningitis in infancy in England and Wales: follow up at age 5 years. BMJ , 323 (7312) pp. 533-536. 10.1136/bmj.323.7312.533. Green open access

Breakspear, M; Friston, K; (2001) Symmetries and itineracy in nonlinear systems with many degrees of freedom. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 24 (5) 813 - 813. 10.1017/S0140525X01250092. Green open access

Brickman, JM; Clements, M; Tyrell, R; McNay, D; Woods, K; Warner, J; Stewart, A; ... Dattani, M; + view all (2001) Molecular effects of novel mutations in Hesx1/HESX1 associated with human pituitary disorders. DEVELOPMENT , 128 (24) 5189 - 5199. Green open access

Britton, A; McPherson, K; (2001) Mortality in England and Wales attributable to current alcohol consumption. J Epidemiol Community Health , 55 (6) pp. 383-388. 10.1136/jech.55.6.383. Green open access

Brostoff, S; Sasse, MA; (2001) Safe and sound: A safety-critical approach to security. In: Proceedings of the workshop on New security paradigms NSPW '01. (pp. pp. 41-50). ACM: Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Green open access

Brown, P; Oliviero, A; Mazzone, P; Insola, A; Tonali, P; Di Lazzaro, V; (2001) Dopamine dependency of oscillations between subthalamic nucleus and pallidum in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neuroscience , 21 (3) pp. 1033-1038. Green open access

Brunner, E; Stallone, D; Juneja, M; Bingham, S; Marmot, M; (2001) Dietary assessment in Whitehall II: comparison of 7d diet diary and food-frequency questionnaire and validity against biomarkers. British Journal of Nutrition , 86 (3) 405 - 414. 10.1079/BJN2001414. Green open access

Burgess, N; (2001) The effect of mirror-reflection on chirality and handedness can be explained without social psychology - Commentary on Navon on mirror-reversal. PSYCOLOQUY , 12 (31) pp. 1-5. Green open access


Catsicas, M; Mobbs, P; (2001) GABA_{B} Receptors Regulate Chick Retinal Calcium Waves. Journal of Neuroscience , 21 (3) 897 - 910. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.21-03-00897.2001. Green open access

Chan, D; Fox, NC; Jenkins, R; Scahill, RI; Crum, WR; Rossor, MN; (2001) Rates of global and regional cerebral atrophy in AD and frontotemporal dementia. Neurology , 57 (10) pp. 1756-1763. 10.1212/WNL.57.10.1756.

Chater, N; Vitanyi, PMB; Stewart, N; (2001) Universal generalization and universal inter-item confusability. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 24 (4) 659 -660. 10.1017/S0140525X01270083. Green open access

Chatterjee, Helen Jane; (2001) Phylogeny and Biogeography of Gibbons, Genus Hylobates. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chung, H; Huckvale, M; (2001) Linguistic factors affecting timing in Korean with application to speech synthesis. Presented at: EuroSpeech, Aarlborg, Denmark. Green open access

Church, S; Henderson, M; Barnard, M; Hart, G; (2001) Violence by clients towards female prostitutes in different work settings: questionnaire survey. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 322 (7285) pp. 524-525. 10.1136/bmj.322.7285.524. Green open access

Clark, RE; Dodi, IA; Hill, SC; Lill, JR; Aubert, G; Macintyre, AR; Rojas, J; ... Madrigal, JA; + view all (2001) Direct evidence that leukemic cells present HLA-associated immunogenic peptides derived from the BCR-ABL b3a2 fusion protein. Blood , 98 (10) pp. 2887-2893. Green open access

Clayton, PT; Eaton, S; Aynsley-Green, A; Edginton, M; Hussain, K; Krywawych, S; Datta, V; ... van den Berg, IET; + view all (2001) Hyperinsulinism in short-chain L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency reveals the importance of beta-oxidation in insulin secretion. Journal of Clinical Investigation , 108 (3) 457 - 465. 10.1172/JCI11294. Green open access

Cliffe, S; Tookey, PA; Nicoll, A; (2001) Antenatal detection of HIV: national surveillance and unlinked anonymous survey. BRIT MED J , 323 (7309) 376 - 377. Green open access

Cole, TJ; Fewtrell, M; Lucas, A; (2001) Analysis was flawed. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) , 323 (7312) 572-. 10.1136/bmj.323.7312.572. Green open access

Colvile, RN; Hutchinson, EJ; Mindell, JS; Warren, RF; (2001) The transport sector as a source of air pollution. ATMOS ENVIRON , 35 (9) 1537 - 1565. Green open access


Dasen, JS; Martinez Barbera, JP; Herman, TS; Connell, SO; Olson, L; Ju, B; Tollkuhn, J; ... Rosenfeld, MG; + view all (2001) Temporal regulation of a paired-like homeodomain repressor/TLE corepressor complex and a related activator is required for pituitary organogenesis. Genes and Development , 15 (23) pp. 3193-3207. 10.1101/gad.932601. Green open access

Dezateux, C; Stocks, J; Wade, AM; Dundas, I; Fletcher, ME; (2001) Airway function at one year: association with premorbid airway function, wheezing, and maternal smoking. THORAX , 56 (9) pp. 680-686. 10.1136/thorax.56.9.680. Green open access


Ebbels, S; van der Lely, H; (2001) Meta-syntactic therapy for children with severe persistent SLI using visual coding. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders , 36 (1) pp. 345-350. 10.3109/13682820109177909. Green open access

Evengard, B; Petersson, K; Engman, ML; Wiklund, S; Ivarsson, SA; Tear-Fahnehjelm, K; Forsgren, M; ... Malm, G; + view all (2001) Low incidence of toxoplasma infection during pregnancy and in newborns in Sweden. Epidemiology and Infection , 127 (1) 121 - 127. 10.1017/S0950268801005775. Green open access


Ferrie, JE; Martikainen, P; Shipley, MJ; Marmot, MG; Stansfeld, SA; Smith, GD; (2001) Employment status and health after privatisation in white collar civil servants: prospective cohort study. BRIT MED J , 322 (7287) 647 - 651. Green open access

Field, D; Draper, ES; Gompels, MJ; Green, C; Johnson, A; Shortland, D; Blair, M; ... Law, C; + view all (2001) Measuring later health status of high risk infants: randomised comparison of two simple methods of data collection. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 323 (7324) pp. 1276-1280. 10.1136/bmj.323.7324.1276. Green open access

Fraile-Ramos, A; Kledal, TN; Pelchen-Matthews, A; Bowers, K; Schwartz, TW; Marsh, M; (2001) The human cytomegalovirus US28 protein is located in endocytic vesicles and undergoes constitutive endocytosis and recycling. MOL BIOL CELL , 12 (6) 1737 - 1749. Green open access

Friel, S; Nelson, M; McCormack, K; Kelleher, CC; Thriskos, P; (2001) Methodological issues using Household Budget Survey expenditure data for individual food availability estimation: Irish experience in the DAFNE pan European project. Public Health Nutrition , 4 (5B) pp. 1143-1147. 10.1079/PHN2001174. Green open access

Fuller, NJ; Wells, JC; (2001) Evaluation of a model for total body protein mass based on dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry: comparison with a reference four component model. British Journal of Nutrition , 86 (1) 45 - 52. 10.1079/BJN2001387. Green open access


Gameiro, P; Vieira, S; Carrara, P; Silva, AL; Diamond, J; de Sousa, AB; Mehta, AB; ... Parreira, A; + view all (2001) The PML-RAR alpha transcript in long-term follow-up of acute promyelocytic leukemia patients. Haematologica , 86 (6) 577 - 585. Green open access

Garety, PA; Kuipers, E; Fowler, D; Freeman, D; Bebbington, PE; (2001) A cognitive model of the positive symptoms of psychosis. PSYCHOL MED , 31 (2) 189 - 195. Green open access

Gilbert, R; Dunn, D; Wallon, M; Hayde, M; Prusa, A; Lebech, M; Kortbeek, T; ... Petersen, E; + view all (2001) Ecological comparison of the risks of mother-to-child transmission and clinical manifestations of congenital toxoplasmosis according to prenatal treatment protocol. Epidemiology and Infection , 127 (1) 113 - 120. 10.1017/S095026880100560X. Green open access


Hammond, P; Hutton, TJ; Nelson-Moon, ZL; Hunt, NP; Madgwick, AJA; (2001) Classifying vertical facial deformity using supervised and unsupervised learning. Methods of Information in Medicine , 40 (5) pp. 365-372. 10.1055/s-0038-1634194. Green open access

Hemingway, H; Crook, AM; Feder, G; Banerjee, S; Dawson, JR; Magee, P; Philpott, S; ... Timmis, AD; + view all (2001) Underuse of coronary revascularization procedures in patients considered appropriate candidates for revascularization. NEW ENGL J MED , 344 (9) 645 - 654. Green open access

Henderson, DJ; Conway, SJ; Greene, NDE; Gerrelli, D; Murdoch, JN; Anderson, RH; Copp, AJ; (2001) Cardiovascular defects associated with abnormalities in midline development in the Loop-tail mouse mutant. CIRCULATION RESEARCH , 89 (1) pp. 6-12. 10.1161/hh1301.092497. Green open access

Heyes, C; (2001) Theory of mind and other domain-specific hypotheses. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 24 (6) 1143 - 1145. 10.1017/S0140525X01270149. Green open access

Hill, B; Long, J; (2001) Performance modelling in the domain of emergency management. In: Hanson, MA, (ed.) Contemporary Ergonomics 2001. (pp. 165 - 170). Taylor and Francis: London, UK. Green open access

Huckvale, M; Fang, A; (2001) Experiments in apply morphological analysis in speech recognition and their cognitive explanation. Presented at: IOA Conference on Speech and Hearing, Stratford-on-avon. Green open access

Huckvale, M; Hunter, G; (2001) Learning on the job: the application of machine learning within the speech decoder. Presented at: IOA Conference on Speech and Hearing, Stratford-on-avon. Green open access

Huntly, BJP; Reid, AG; Bench, AJ; Campbell, LJ; Telford, N; Shepherd, P; Szer, J; ... Green, AR; + view all (2001) Deletions of the derivative chromosome 9 occur at the time of the Philadelphia translocation and provide a powerful and independent prognostic indicator in chronic myeloid leukemia. BLOOD , 98 (6) 1732 - 1738. Green open access

Hyppönen, E; (2001) Growth and Nutrition in the Etiology of Type 1 diabetes. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Imrie, J; Stephenson, JR; Cowan, FM; Wanigaratne, S; Billington, AJP; Copas, AJ; French, L; ... Behav Intervention Gay Men Project; + view all (2001) A cognitive behavioural intervention to reduce sexually transmitted infections among gay men: randomised trial. BRIT MED J , 322 (7300) 1451 - 1456. Green open access


Jadhav, S; Weiss, MG; Littlewood, R; (2001) Cultural experience of depression among white Britons in London. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Jones, DT; Ganeshaguru, K; Virchis, AE; Folarin, NI; Lowdell, MW; Mehta, AB; Prentice, HG; ... Wickremasinghe, RG; + view all (2001) Caspase 8 activation independent of Fas (CD95/APO-1) signaling may mediate killing of B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by cytotoxic drugs or gamma radiation. Blood , 98 (9) pp. 2800-2807. 10.1182/blood.v98.9.2800. Green open access

Jones, S; Daley, DT; Luscombe, NM; Berman, HM; Thornton, JM; (2001) Protein-RNA interactions: a structural analysis. Nucleic Acids Research , 29 (4) 943 - 954. 10.1093/nar/29.4.943. Green open access

Jovanovic, JN; Sihra, TS; Nairn, AC; Hemmings, HC; Greengard, P; Czernik, AJ; (2001) Opposing changes in phosphorylation of specific sites in synapsin I during Ca2+-dependent glutamate release in isolated nerve terminals. J NEUROSCI , 21 (20) 7944 - 7953. Green open access


Kalra, D; Austin, A; O'Connor, A; Lloyd, D; Patterson, D; Ingram, D; (2001) Design and implementation of a federated health record server. In: (Proceedings) Towards an Electronic Health Record Europe 2001. (pp. pp. 1-13). Medical Records Institute: Boston. Green open access

Karlsen, S; Primatesta, P; McMunn, A; (2001) Blood Pressure. In: Erens, B and Primatesta, P and Prior, G, (eds.) Health Survey for England 1999: The Health of Minority Ethnic Groups. TSO: London. Green open access

Kharbanda, RK; Peters, M; Walton, B; Kattenhorn, M; Mullen, M; Klein, N; Vallance, P; ... MacAllister, R; + view all (2001) Ischemic preconditioning prevents endothelial injury and systemic neutrophil activation during ischemia-reperfusion in humans in vivo. CIRCULATION , 103 (12) 1624 - 1630. Green open access

Kivimaki, M; Sutinen, R; Elovainio, M; Vahtera, J; Rasanen, K; Toyry, S; Ferrie, JE; (2001) Sickness absence in hospital physicians: 2 year follow up study on determinants. OCCUP ENVIRON MED , 58 (6) 361 - 366. Green open access


Lambon Ralph, M; Garrard, P; (2001) Category-specific deficits: insights from semantic dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 24 (3) 485 - 486. Green open access

Lotto, RB; Asavaritikrai, P; Vali, L; Price, DJ; (2001) Target-derived neurotrophic factors regulate the death of developing forebrain neurons after a change in their trophic requirements. J NEUROSCI , 21 (11) 3904 - 3910. Green open access

Louca, C; (2001) The role of mechanoreceptors in the control of human jaw closing muscles. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Martinez-Barbera, JP; Signore, M; Boyl, PP; Puelles, E; Acampora, D; Gogoi, R; Schubert, F; ... Simeone, A; + view all (2001) Regionalisation of anterior neuroectoderm and its competence in responding to forebrain and midbrain inducing activities depend on mutual antagonism between OTX2 and GBX2. DEVELOPMENT , 128 (23) 4789 - 4800. Green open access

Mazgalev, TN; Ho, SY; Anderson, RH; (2001) Anatomic-electrophysiological correlations concerning the pathways for atrioventricular conduction. Circulation , 103 (22) pp. 2660-2667. 10.1161/01.cir.103.22.2660. Green open access

McEwen, A; West, R; (2001) Smoking cessation activities by general practitioners and practice nurses. TOBACCO CONTROL , 10 (1) pp. 27-32. 10.1136/tc.10.1.27. Green open access

McEwen, A; Akotia, N; West, R; (2001) GPs' views on new national smoking cessation guidelines. Addiction , 96 pp. 997-1000. Green open access

McEwen, A; West, R; Owen, L; (2001) General Practitioners' views on the provision of nicotine replacement therapy and bupropion. BMC Fam Pract , 2 6-. 10.1186/1471-2296-2-6. Green open access

Modell, B; Khan, M; Darlison, M; King, A; Layton, M; Old, J; Petrou, M; (2001) A national register for surveillance of inherited disorders: beta thalassaemia in the United Kingdom. BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION , 79 (11) pp. 1006-1013. Green open access

Morris, J; Dolan, R; (2001) Involvement of human amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in hunger-enhanced memory for food stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience , 21 (14) 5304 - 5310. Green open access

Murphy, Elaine; (2001) The administration of insanity in East London, 1800-1870. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Murray, E; Davis, H; Tai, SS; Coulter, A; Gray, A; Haines, A; (2001) Randomised controlled trial of an interactive multimedia decision aid on benign prostatic hypertrophy in primary care. BRIT MED J , 323 (7311) 493 - 496A. Green open access

Murray, E; Davis, H; Tai, SS; Coulter, A; Gray, A; Haines, A; (2001) Randomised controlled trial of an interactive multimedia decision aid on hormone replacement therapy in primary care. BRIT MED J , 323 (7311) 490 - +. Green open access


Nathwani, AC; Davidoff, A; Hanawa, H; Zhou, JF; Vanin, EF; Nienhuis, AW; (2001) Factors influencing in vivo transduction by recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors expressing the human factor IX cDNA. Blood , 97 (5) pp. 1258-1265. 10.1182/blood.v97.5.1258. Green open access

Nutton, V; (2001) Galen, Galien. Tome II: Exhortation à l'étude de la médecine. Art médical, ed. and trans. Veronique Boudon, Collection des Universites de France, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2000, pp. 454, Fr400 (hardback 2-251-00483-1). [Review]. Medical History , 45 (4) 560 - 562. 10.1017/S0025727300068642. Green open access

Nutton, V; (2001) Ivan Garofalo, Alessandro Lami, Daniela Manetti and Amneris Roselli (eds), Aspetti della terapia nel Corpus Hippocraticum. Atti del IXe Colloque International Hippocratique, Pisa 25–29 settembre 1996, Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere “La Colombaria”, Studi 183, Florence, Leo S Olschki Editore, 1999, pp. vi, 716, L. 130,000 (88-222-4798-1). [Review]. Medical History , 45 (1) 143 - 144. 10.1017/S0025727300067636. Green open access

Nutton, V; (2001) Mark Grant, Galen on food and diet, London and New York, Routledge, 2000, pp. ix, 214, illus., £15.99 (paperback 0415-23233-3). [Review]. Medical History , 45 (4) 562 - 563. 10.1017/S0025727300068654. Green open access

Nutton, V; (2001) Minta Collins, Medieval herbals: the illustrative traditions, The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture, London, British Library and University of Toronto Press, 2000, pp. 334, illus., £45.00 (hardback 0-71234638-4), £19.95 (paperback 0-7123-46414). [Review]. Medical History , 45 (4) 541 - 542. 10.1017/S0025727300068460. Green open access

Nutton, V; (2001) Obituary: Luis García Ballester(1936–2000). [Letter]. Medical History , 45 (1) 115 - 116. 10.1017/S0025727300067429. Green open access


Ortega-Llebaria, M; Faulkner, A; Hazan, V; (2001) Auditory-visual L2 speech perception: Effects of visual cues and acoustic-phonetic context for Spanish learners of English. In: Massaro, DW and Light, J and Geraci, K, (eds.) Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP 2001). (pp. 149 - 154). Auditory-Visual Speech Association Green open access


Parkinson, DB; Dong, ZP; Bunting, H; Whitfield, J; Meier, C; Marie, H; Mirsky, R; (2001) Transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) mediates schwann cell death in vitro and in vivo: Examination of c-jun activation, interactions with survival signals, and the relationship of TGF beta-mediated death to schwann cell differentiation. J NEUROSCI , 21 (21) 8572 - 8585. Green open access

Petridis, H; Hempton, TJ; (2001) Periodontal considerations in removable partial denture treatment: a review of the literature. The International Journal of Prosthodontics , 14 (2) pp. 164-172. Green open access

Petzold, A; Plant, GT; Sieb, JP; Hartmann, A; (2001) Recurrent ptosis. [Letter]. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry , 70 (6) pp. 819-820. 10.1136/jnnp.70.6.819. Green open access

Petzold, A; Thom, M; Powell, M; Plant, GT; (2001) Relapsing intracranial Rosai-Dorfman disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry , 71 (4) pp. 538-541. 10.1136/jnnp.71.4.538. Green open access

Pikhart, H; Bobak, M; Siegrist, J; Pajak, A; Rywik, S; Kyshegyi, J; Gostautas, A; ... Marmot, M; + view all (2001) Psychosocial work characteristics and self rated health in four post-communist countries. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 55 (9) 624 - 630. Green open access

Pollak, L; Luxon, LM; Haskard, DO; (2001) Labyrinthine involvement in Behcet's syndrome. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 115 (7) 522 - 529. 10.1258/0022215011908315. Green open access

Pressler, RM; Boylan, GB; Morton, M; Binnie, CD; Rennie, JM; (2001) Early serial EEG in hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Clinical Neurophysiology , 112 (1) pp. 31-37. 10.1016/S1388-2457(00)00517-4. Green open access


Raghib, A; Bertaso, F; Davies, A; Page, KM; Meir, A; Bogdanov, Y; Dolphin, AC; (2001) Dominant-negative synthesis suppression of voltage-gated calcium channel Cav2.2 induced by truncated constructs. Journal of Neuroscience , 21 (21) 8495 - 8504. Green open access

Rees, G; Frith, C; (2001) Neural correlates of consciousness are not pictorial representations. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 24 (5) 999 -1000. 10.1017/S0140525X01520117. Green open access

Reid, Y; Johnson, S; Bebbington, PE; Kuipers, E; Scott, H; Thornicroft, G; (2001) The longer term outcomes of community care: a 12 year follow-up of the Camberwell High Contact Survey. Psychological Medicine , 31 (2) 351 - 359. 10.1017/S0033291701003397. Green open access

Reuter, M; Keller, L; (2001) Sex ratio conflict and worker production in eusocial hymenotera. AMERICAN NATURALIST , 158 (2) pp. 166-177. 10.1086/321311. Green open access

Richards, M; Hardy, R; Kuh, D; Wadsworth, MEJ; (2001) Birth weight and cognitive function in the British 1946 birth cohort: longitudinal population based study. BRIT MED J , 322 (7280) 199 - 203. Green open access

Richardson, DC; Spivey, MJ; (2001) The TEC as a theory of embodied cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 24 (5) 900 - 901. 10.1017/S0140525X0143010X. Green open access

Rothschild, BM; Martin, LD; Lev, G; Bercovier, H; Bar-Gal, GK; Greenblatt, C; Donoghue, H; ... Brittain, D; + view all (2001) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA from an extinct bison dated 17,000 years before the present. CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES , 33 (3) pp. 305-311. 10.1086/321886. Green open access

Ruhrberg, C; (2001) Endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis. J CELL SCI , 114 (18) 3215 - 3216. Green open access


Sabin, CA; (2001) The relationships between the HIV test interval, demographic factors and HIV disease progression. EPIDEMIOL INFECT , 127 (1) 91 - 100. 10.1017/S0950268801005805. Green open access

Sasse, MA; Brostoff, S; Weirich, D; (2001) Transforming the 'weakest link' - a human/computer interaction approach to usable and effective security. BT Technology Journal , 19 (3) 122 - 131. 10.1023/A:1011902718709. Green open access

Saville, NM; (2001) Practical strategies for pro-poor tourism: case study of pro-poor tourism and SNV in Humla District, West Nepal. Pro-Poor Tourism Working Paper , Article 3. Green open access

Saygin, AP; (2001) Contrasting verbal and nonverbal auditory processing in aphasia. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Shmueli-Goetz, Yael; (2001) The child attachment interview: Development and validation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sirivatanauksorn, Y; Sirivatanauksorn, V; Lemoine, NR; Williamson, RCN; Davidson, BR; (2001) Genomic homogeneity in fibrolamellar carcinomas. GUT , 49 (1) 82 - 86. Green open access

Specht, CG; Schoepfer, R; (2001) Deletion of the alpha-synuclein locus in a subpopulation of C57BL/6J inbred mice. BMC Neuroscience , 2 , Article 11. 10.1186/1471-2202-2-11. Green open access

Spigelman, M; Donoghue, HD; (2001) Brief communication: Unusual pathological condition in the lower extremities of a skeleton from ancient Israel. AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL , 114 (1) 92 - 93. Green open access

Stratton, R; Shiwen, X; Martini, G; Holmes, A; Leask, A; Haberberger, T; Martin, GR; ... Abraham, D; + view all (2001) Iloprost suppresses connective tissue growth factor production in fibroblasts and in the skin of scleroderma patients. Journal of Clinical Investigation , 108 (2) pp. 241-250. 10.1172/JCI12020. Green open access

Szendrői, Kriszta; (2001) Focus and the syntax-phonology interface. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Szreter, S; Hardy, A; (2001) Urban fertility and mortality patterns. In: Daunton, M, (ed.) The Cambridge Urban History of Britain. Vol. 3, 1840?1950. (pp. 629-672). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access


Tomkins, AM; (2001) Nutritional and maternal morbidity and mortality. British Journal of Nutrition , 85 (S2) S93 - S99. 10.1079/BJN2001358. Green open access

Trani, J; (2001) To Be Young in Douala (Cameroon): Activity, Income and Social Position. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

TUOMAINEN, J; (2001) Language Specific Cues to Lexical Segmentation of Spoken Finnish: Behavioral and Event-Related Brain Potential Studies. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Vahtera, J; Kivimaki, M; Pentti, J; (2001) The role of extended weekends in sickness absenteeism. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE , 58 (12) pp. 818-822. 10.1136/oem.58.12.818. Green open access

Vaidya, Nirmala S; Vaidya, Jayant S; (2001) Tobacco. Quit. India. [Book]. National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication: Goa, India.

Varley, R; Siegal, M; (2001) Words, grammar, and number concepts: Evidence from development and aphasia. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 24 (6) 1120 - 1121. 10.1017/S0140525X01400136. Green open access

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Vlaskovska, M; Kasakov, L; Rong, W; Bodin, P; Bardini, M; Cockayne, DA; Ford, APDW; (2001) P2X₃ Knock-Out Mice Reveal a Major Sensory Role for Urothelially Released ATP. Journal of Neuroscience , 21 (15) 5670 - 5677. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.21-15-05670.2001. Green open access


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