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Achermann, JC; Ozisik, G; Meeks, JJ; Jameson, JL; (2002) Genetic causes of human reproductive disease. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 87 (6) 2447 - 2454. 10.1210/jc.87.6.2447. Green open access

Ahmed, S; Saleem, M; Modell, B; Petrou, M; (2002) Screening extended families for genetic hemoglobin disorders in Pakistan. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE , 347 (15) pp. 1162-1168. 10.1056/NEJMsa013234. Green open access

Al-Shahi, R; Sadler, M; Rees, G; Bateman, D; (2002) The internet. J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS , 73 (6) 619 - 628. Green open access

Ala-Mursala, L; Vahtera, J; Kivimaki, M; Kevin, MC; Pentti, J; (2002) Employee control over working times: associations with subjective health and sickness absences. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH , 56 (4) pp. 272-278. 10.1136/jech.56.4.272. Green open access

Ancliff, PJ; Gale, RE; Watts, MJ; Liesner, R; Hann, IM; Strobel, S; Linch, DC; (2002) Paternal mosaicism proves the pathogenic nature of mutations in neutrophil elastase in severe congenital neutropenia. Blood , 100 (2) pp. 707-709. 10.1182/blood-2002-01-0060. Green open access

Aubert, B; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, JM; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, JP; Robbe, P; ... BABAR Collaboration, .; + view all (2002) Search for the rare decays B -> Kl(+)l(-) and B -> K*l(+)l(-). PHYS REV LETT , 88 (24) , Article 241801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.241801. Green open access

Aubert, B; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, JM; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, JP; Robbe, P; ... BABAR Collaboration, .; + view all (2002) Measurement of B-0-(B)over-bar(0) flavor oscillations in hadronic B-0 decays. PHYS REV LETT , 88 (22) , Article 221802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.221802. Green open access

Aubert, B; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, JM; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, JP; Robbe, P; ... BABAR Collaboration, .; + view all (2002) Measurement of the B-0-(B)over-bar(0) oscillation frequency with inclusive dilepton events. PHYS REV LETT , 88 (22) , Article 221803. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.221803. Green open access

Aubert, B; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, JM; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, JP; Robbe, P; ... BABAR Collaboration, .; + view all (2002) Measurement of the B-0 lifetime with partially reconstructed B-0 -> D(*-)l(+)nu(l) decays (vol 89, art no 011802, 2002). PHYS REV LETT , 89 (16) , Article 169903. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.169903. Green open access

Aubert, B; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, JM; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, JP; Robbe, P; ... BABAR Collaboration, .; + view all (2002) Measurement of the branching fraction and CP content for the decay B-0 -> D*+D*-. PHYS REV LETT , 89 (6) , Article 061801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.061801. Green open access

Aubert, B; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, JM; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, JP; Robbe, P; ... BABAR Collaboration, .; + view all (2002) Search for T and CP violation in B-0-(B)over-bar(0) mixing with inclusive dilepton events. PHYS REV LETT , 88 (23) , Article 231801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.231801. Green open access

Aubert, B; Boutigny, D; Gaillard, JM; Hicheur, A; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, JP; Robbe, P; ... BABAR Collaboration, .; + view all (2002) Measurements of branching fractions and CP-violating asymmetries in B-0 ->pi(+)pi(-), K+ pi(-), K+K- decays. PHYS REV LETT , 89 (28) , Article 281802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.281802. Green open access

Bajaj-Elliott, M; Fedeli, P; Smith, GV; Domizio, P; Maher, L; Ali, RS; Quinn, AG; (2002) Modulation of host antimicrobial peptide (beta-defensins 1 and 2) expression during gastritis. GUT , 51 (3) 356 - 361. Green open access

Barker, C; Pistrang, N; (2002) Psychotherapy and social support - Integrating research on psychological helping. CLIN PSYCHOL REV , 22 (3) 361 - 379. Green open access

Bate, SP; Robert, G; (2002) Knowledge management and communities of practice in the private sector: lessons for modernising the National Health Service in England and Wales. Public Administration , 80 (4) pp. 643-663. 10.1111/1467-9299.00322. Green open access

Bellingan, GJ; Xu, P; Cooksley, H; Cauldwell, H; Shock, A; Bottoms, S; Haslett, C; ... Laurent, GJ; + view all (2002) Adhesion molecule-dependent mechanisms regulate the rate of macrophage clearance during the resolution of peritoneal inflammation. J EXP MED , 196 (11) 1515 - 1521. 10.1084/jem.20011794. Green open access

Belsky, J; Fearon, RMP; (2002) Infant-mother attachment security, contextual risk, and early development: A moderational analysis. DEV PSYCHOPATHOL , 14 (2) 293 - 310. 10.1017/S0954579402002067. Green open access

Blaxhult, A; Fox, Z; Colebunders, R; Francioli, P; Ben-Ishai, Z; Fatkenheuer, G; Parkin, JM; ... EuroSIDA Study Grp, E; + view all (2002) Regional and temporal changes in AIDS in Europe before HAART. EPIDEMIOL INFECT , 129 (3) 565 - 576. 10.1017/S0950268802007719. Green open access

Brandon, NJ; Jovanovic, JN; Smart, TG; Moss, SJ; (2002) Receptor for activated C kinase-1 facilitates protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation and functional modulation of GABA(A) receptors with the activation of G-protein-coupled receptors. J NEUROSCI , 22 (15) 6353 - 6361. Green open access

Burgess, N; (2002) Spatial models of imagery for remembered scenes are-more likely to advance (neuro)science than symbolic ones. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 25 (2) 185 -186. 10.1017/S0140525X02250049. Green open access

Chan, D; Fox, N; Rossor, M; (2002) Differing patterns of temporal atrophy in Alzheimer's disease and semantic dementia. [Letter]. Neurology , 58 (5) p. 838. 10.1212/WNL.58.5.838.

Chater, N; (2002) Is LF really a linguistic level? BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 25 (6) 680 - 680. 10.1017/S0140525X02280127. Green open access

Cingolani, LA; Gymnopoulos, M; Boccaccio, A; Stocker, M; Pedarzani, P; (2002) Developmental Regulation of Small-Conductance Ca²⁺-Activated K⁺ Channel Expression and Function in Rat Purkinje Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience , 22 (11) 4456 - 4467. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.22-11-04456.2002. Green open access

Cook, AC; Anderson, RH; (2002) Attitudinally correct nomenclature. HEART , 87 (6) 503 - 506. Green open access

Cook, H; (2002) Body and passions: materialism and the early modern state. Osiris , 17 pp. 25-48. Green open access

Copas, AJ; Cowan, FM; Cunningham, AL; Mindel, A; (2002) An evidence based approach to testing for antibody to herpes simplex virus type 2. SEX TRANSM INFECT , 78 (6) 430 - 434. Green open access

Copas, AJ; Wellings, K; Erens, B; Mercer, CH; McManus, S; Fenton, KA; Korovessis, C; ... Johnson, AM; + view all (2002) The accuracy of reported sensitive sexual behaviour in Britain: exploring the extent of change 1990-2000. SEX TRANSM INFECT , 78 (1) 26 - 30. Green open access

de Haan, M; Pascalis, O; Johnson, MH; (2002) Specialization of neural mechanisms underlying face recognition in human infants. J COGNITIVE NEUROSCI , 14 (2) 199 - 209. Green open access

De Vries, G; Rissman, EF; Simerly, RB; Yang, L-Y; Scordalakes, EM; Auger, CJ; Swain, A; ... Arnold, AP; + view all (2002) A model system for study of sex chromosome effects on sexually dimorphic neural and behavioral traits. Journal of Neuroscience , 22 (20) 9005 - 9014. Green open access

Delves, PJ; (2002) The development of contraceptive vaccines. EXPERT OPIN INV DRUG , 11 (9) 1225 - 1237. Green open access

DiGuiseppi, C; Roberts, I; Wade, A; Sculpher, M; Edwards, P; Godward, C; Pan, HQ; (2002) Incidence of fires and related injuries after giving out free smoke alarms: cluster randomised controlled trial. BRIT MED J , 325 (7371) 995 - 997. Green open access

Donaldson, GC; Seemungal, TAR; Bhowmik, A; Wedzicha, JA; (2002) Relationship between exacerbation frequency and lung function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax , 57 (10) pp. 847-852. 10.1136/thorax.57.10.847. Green open access

Doney, A; Fischer, B; Frew, D; Cumming, A; Flavell, DM; World, M; Montgomery, HE; ... Palmer, CNA; + view all (2002) Haplotype analysis of the PPARgamma Pro12Ala and C1431T variants reveals opposing associations with body weight. BMC Genet , 3 21-. 10.1186/1471-2156-3-21. Green open access

Doney, A; Fischer, B; Frew, D; Cumming, A; Flavell, DM; World, M; Montgomery, HE; ... Palmer, CNA; + view all (2002) Haplotype analysis of the PPAR gamma Pro12Ala and C1431T variants reveals opposing associations with body weight. BMC Genetics , 3 , Article 21. 10.1186/1471-2156-3-21. Green open access

Du, MQ; Diss, TC; Liu, HX; Ye, HT; Hamoudi, RA; Cabecadas, J; Dong, HY; ... Isaacson, PG; + view all (2002) KSHV- and EBV-associated germinotropic lymphoproliferative disorder. BLOOD , 100 (9) pp. 3415-3418. 10.1182/blood-2002-02-0487. Green open access

Dunwoodie, S; Clements, M; Sparrow, DB; Sa, X; Conlon, RA; Beddington, RS; (2002) Axial skeletal defects caused by mutation in the spondylocostal dysplasia/pudgy gene Dll3 are associated with disruption of the segmentation clock within the presomitic mesoderm. Development , 129 (7) pp. 1795-1806. Green open access

Edwards, SGM; Playford, ED; Hobart, JC; Thompson, AJ; (2002) Comparison of physician outcome measures and patients' perception of benefits of inpatient neurorehabilitation. BRIT MED J , 324 (7352) 1493 - 1493. Green open access

El Sharkawi, A; Ramig, L; Logemann, JA; Pauloski, BR; Rademaker, AW; Smith, CH; Pawlas, A; ... Werner, C; + view all (2002) Swallowing and voice effects of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT (R)): a pilot study. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY , 72 (1) pp. 31-36. Green open access

Emery, VC; Hassan-Walker, AF; Burroughs, AK; Griffiths, PD; (2002) Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) replication dynamics in HCMV-naive and -experienced immunocompromised hosts. J INFECT DIS , 185 (12) 1723 - 1728. Green open access

Engwerda, CR; Mynott, TL; Sawhney, S; De Souza, JB; Bickle, QD; Kaye, PM; (2002) Locally up-regulated lymphotoxin alpha, not systemic tumor necrosis factor alpha, is the principle mediator of murine cerebral malaria. J EXP MED , 195 (10) 1371 - 1377. 10.1084/jem.20020128. Green open access

Gardiner, RM; (2002) The Human Genome Project: the next decade. ARCH DIS CHILD , 86 (6) 389 - 391. Green open access

Garrard, P; Blake, J; Stinton, V; Hanna, MG; Reilly, MM; Holton, JL; Landon, DN; (2002) Distal myopathy with tubular aggregates: a new phenotype associated with multiple deletions in mitochondrial DNA? J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS , 73 (2) 207 - 208. Green open access

Gilleard, C; Higgs, P; (2002) Concept Forum - The third age: class, cohort or generation? AGEING SOC , 22 (3) 369 - 382. 10.1017/S0144686X0200870X. Green open access

Going, JJ; Keith, WN; Neilson, L; Stoeber, K; Stuart, RC; Williams, GH; (2002) Aberrant expression of minichromosome maintenance proteins 2 and 5, and Ki-67 in dysplastic squamous oesophageal epithelium and Barrett's mucosa. GUT , 50 (3) 373 - 377. Green open access

Greenhalgh, T; Hughes, J; Humphrey, C; Rogers, S; Swinglehurst, D; Martin, P; (2002) A comparative case study of two models of a clinical informaticist service. British Medical Journal , 324 (7336) pp. 524-529. 10.1136/bmj.324.7336.524. Green open access

Griesinger, CB; Richards, CD; Ashmore, JF; (2002) FM1-43 reveals membrane recycling in adult inner hair cells of the mammalian cochlea. J NEUROSCI , 22 (10) 3939 - 3952. Green open access

Hardy, A; (2002) Pioneers in the Victorian provinces: veterinarians, public health and the urban animal economy. Urban History , 29 (3) pp. 372-387. 10.1017/S0963926802003036. Green open access

Harkness, PC; Millar, NS; (2002) Changes in conformation and subcellular distribution of alpha(4)beta(2) nicotinic acetylcholine receptors revealed by chronic nicotine treatment and expression of subunit chimeras. J NEUROSCI , 22 (23) 10172 - 10181. Green open access

Harraf, F; Sharma, AK; Brown, MM; Lees, KR; Vass, RI; Kalra, L; Acute Stroke Intervention Study Gr; (2002) A multicentre observational study of presentation and early assessment of acute stroke. BRIT MED J , 325 (7354) 17 - 20. Green open access

Hayward, AC; Goss, S; Drobniewski, F; Saunders, N; Shaw, RJ; Goyal, M; Swan, A; ... Watson, JM; + view all (2002) The molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in inner London. EPIDEMIOL INFECT , 128 (2) 175 - 184. 10.1017/S0950268801006690. Green open access

Heaney, DC; MacDonald, BK; Everitt, A; Stevenson, S; Leonardi, GS; Wilkinson, P; Sander, JW; (2002) Socioeconomic variation in incidence of epilepsy: prospective community based study in south east England. BRIT MED J , 325 (7371) 1013 - 1016. Green open access

Hogh, P; Smith, SJ; Scahill, RI; Chan, D; Harvey, RJ; Fox, NC; Rossor, MN; (2002) Epilepsy presenting as AD: Neuroimaging, electroclinical features, and response to treatment. Neurology , 58 (2) pp. 298-301. 10.1212/WNL.58.2.298.

Hutton, BF; Kyme, AZ; Lau, YH; Skerrett, DW; Fulton, RR; (2002) A hybrid 3-D reconstruction/registration algorithm for correction of head motion in emission tomography. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science , 49 (1 I) pp. 188-194. 10.1109/TNS.2002.998750. Green open access

Jenkins, L; Britten, N; Barber, N; Bradley, CP; Stevenson, FA; (2002) Consultations do not have to be longer. BRIT MED J , 325 (7360) 388 - 388. 10.1136/bmj.325.7360.388. Green open access

Joffe, M; Mindell, J; (2002) A framework for the evidence base to support Health Impact Assessment. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 56 (2) 132 - 138. Green open access

Jones, DT; Ganeshaguru, K; Anderson, RJ; Jackson, TR; Bruckdorfer, KR; Low, SY; Palmqvist, L; ... Wickremasinghe, RG; + view all (2002) Albumin activates the AKT signalling pathway and protects B-chronics lymphocytic leukemia cells from chlorambucil- and radiation-induced apoptosis. Blood 10.1182/blood-2002-07-2143. Green open access

Kennett, S; Spence, C; Driver, J; (2002) Visuo-tactile links in covert exogenous spatial attention remap across changes in unseen hand posture. PERCEPT PSYCHOPHYS , 64 (7) 1083 - 1094. Green open access

Kenny, PA; Enver, T; Ashworth, A; (2002) Retroviral vectors for establishing tetracycline-regulated gene expression in an otherwise recalcitrant cell line. BMC MOL BIOL , 3 , Article 13. 10.1186/1471-2199-3-13. Green open access

Kharbanda, RK; Mortensen, UM; White, PA; Kristiansen, SB; Schmidt, MR; Hoschtitzky, JA; Vogel, M; ... MacAllister, R; + view all (2002) Transient limb ischemia induces remote ischemic preconditioning in vivo. CIRCULATION , 106 (23) 2881 - 2883. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000043806.51912.9B. Green open access

King, M; Davidson, O; Taylor, F; Haines, A; Sharp, D; Turner, R; (2002) Effectiveness of teaching general practitioners skills in brief cognitive behaviour therapy to treat patients with depression: randomised controlled trial. BRIT MED J , 324 (7343) 947 - 951B. Green open access

Kivimaki, M; Leino-Arjas, P; Luukkonen, R; Riihimaki, H; Vahtera, J; Kirjonen, J; (2002) Work stress and risk of cardiovascular mortality: prospective cohort study of industrial employees. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 325 (7369) pp. 857-860. 10.1136/bmj.325.7369.857. Green open access

Knight, YE; Bartsch, T; Kaube, H; Goadsby, PJ; (2002) P/Q-type calcium-channel blockade in the periaqueductal gray facilitates trigeminal nociception: A functional genetic link for migraine? J NEUROSCI , 22 (5) , Article RC213. Green open access

Lakhani, K; Seifalian, AM; Hardiman, P; (2002) Impaired carotid viscoelastic properties in women with polycystic ovaries. CIRCULATION , 106 (1) 81 - 85. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000020681.19400.8A. Green open access

Law, CM; Shiell, AW; Newsome, CA; Syddall, HE; Shinebourne, EA; Fayers, PM; Martyn, CN; (2002) Fetal, infant, and childhood growth and adult blood pressure - A longitudinal study from birth to 22 years of age. CIRCULATION , 105 (9) pp. 1088-1092. 10.1161/hc0902.104677. Green open access

Lawrence, CJ; (2002) Elin L Wolfe, A Clifford Barger and Saul Benison, Walter B. Cannon. Volume 2: Science and society, Boston Medical Library in the Francis A Countway Library of Medicine, 2000, pp. x, 644, illus., £19.95 (hardback 0-674-00251-2). Distributed by Harvard University Press. [Review]. Medical History , 46 (1) 111 - 112. 10.1017/S0025727300068824. Green open access

Lawrence, CJ; (2002) Felix Driver, Geography militant: cultures of exploration and empire, Oxford, Blackwell, 2000, pp. viii, 258, illus., £16.99 (paperback 0-631-20112-2). [Review]. Medical History , 46 (4) 601 - 602. 10.1017/S0025727300069866. Green open access

Lawrence, CJ; (2002) Louis Rosenfeld, Four centuries of clinical chemistry, Amsterdam, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1999, pp. xvii, 562, illus., £91.00 (hardback 90-5699-645-2). [Review]. Medical History , 46 (2) 288 -288. 10.1017/S0025727300069271. Green open access

Lawrence, CJ; (2002) Saul Jarcho (trans. and ed.), The clinical consultations of Francesco Torti, Malabar,FL, published on behalf of the New York Academy of Medicine by Krieger, 2000, pp. xxx, 911, illus., $125.00 (hardback 1-57524-144-7). [Review]. Medical History , 46 (1) 131 - 132. 10.1017/S0025727300068988. Green open access

Lawrence, KM; Chanalaris, A; Scarabelli, T; Hubank, M; Pasini, E; Townsend, PA; Comini, L; ... Latchman, DS; + view all (2002) K-ATP channel gene expression is induced by urocortin and mediates its cardioprotective effect. CIRCULATION , 106 (12) 1556 - 1562. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000028424.02525.AE. Green open access

Limb, GA; Salt, TE; Munro, PMG; Moss, SE; Khaw, PT; (2002) In vitro characterization of a spontaneously immortalized human Muller cell line (MIO-M1). Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science , 43 (3) pp. 864-869. Green open access

Liu, Y; Dodds, P; Emilion, G; Mungall, AJ; Dunham, I; Beck, S; Wells, RS; ... Ganesan, TS; + view all (2002) The human homologue of unc-93 maps to chromosome 6q27 - characterisation and analysis in sporadic epithelial ovarian cancer. BMC Genetics , 3 , Article 20. 10.1186/1471-2156-3-20. Green open access

Lloyd, G; Lund, VJ; Beale, T; Howard, D; (2002) Rhinologic changes in Wegener's granulomatosis. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 116 (7) 565 - 569. 10.1258/002221502760132737. Green open access

Mantovani, G; Ozisik, G; Achermann, JC; Romoli, R; Borretta, G; Persani, L; Spada, A; ... Beck-Peccoz, P; + view all (2002) Clinical case seminar - Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism as a presenting feature of late-onset X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 87 (1) 44 - 48. 10.1210/jc.87.1.44. Green open access

Mareschal, D; Kaufman, J; (2002) The dual route hypothesis in visual cognition: Why a developmental approach is necessary. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 25 (1) 111 - 112. 10.1017/S0140525X02380026. Green open access

Massoudy, P; Baltalarli, A; de Leval, MR; Cook, A; Neudorf, U; Derrick, G; McCarthy, KP; (2002) Anatomic variability in coronary arterial distribution with regard to the arterial switch procedure. CIRCULATION , 106 (15) pp. 1980-1984. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000033518.61709.56. Green open access

Miles, K; Penny, N; Mercey, D; Power, R; (2002) A postal survey to identify and describe nurse led clinics in genitourinary medicine services across England. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS , 78 (2) pp. 98-100. 10.1136/sti.78.2.98. Green open access

Miles, K; Penny, N; Mercey, D; Power, R; (2002) Sexual health clinics for women led by specialist nurses or senior house officers in a central London GUM service: a randomised controlled trial. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS , 78 (2) pp. 93-97. 10.1136/sti.78.2.93. Green open access

Mittwoch, U; (2002) "Clone": the history of a euphonious scientific term. Medical History , 46 (3) 381 - 402. 10.1017/S0025727300069404. Green open access

Morgan, G; Smith, N; Tsimpli, I; Woll, B; (2002) Language against the odds: the learning of British Sign Language by a polyglot savant. J LINGUIST , 38 (1) 1 - 41. 10.1017/S0022226701001220. Green open access

Nathwani, AC; Davidoff, AM; Hanawa, H; Hu, Y; Hoffer, FA; Nikanorov, A; Slaughter, C; ... Nienhuis, AW; + view all (2002) Sustained high-level expression of human factor IX (hFIX) after liver-targeted delivery of recombinant adeno-associated virus encoding the hFIX gene in rhesus macaques. Blood , 100 (5) pp. 1662-1669. 10.1182/blood-2002-02-0589. Green open access

Osrin, D; Tumbahangphe, KM; Shrestha, D; Mesko, N; Shtestha, BP; Manandhar, MK; Standing, H; ... Costello, AMD; + view all (2002) Cross sectional, community based study of care of newborn infants in Nepal. BRIT MED J , 325 (7372) 1063 - 1066. Green open access

Patel, HP; Moseley, HC; Noar, JH; (2002) Cephalometric determinants of successful functional appliance therapy. Angle Orthodontist , 72 (5) 410 -417. Green open access

Patel, NN; Butler, PE; Buttery, L; Polak, JM; Tolley, NS; (2002) Tissue engineering and ENT surgery. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 116 (3) 165 - 169. 10.1258/0022215021910339. Green open access

Pearson, R; Catsicas, M; Becker, D; Mobbs, P; (2002) Purinergic and muscarinic modulation of the cell cycle and calcium signaling in the chick retinal ventricular zone. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE , 22 (17) pp. 7569-7579. Green open access

Peggs, K; Verfuerth, S; Pizzey, A; Ainsworth, J; Moss, P; Mackinnon, S; (2002) Characterization of human cytomegalovirus peptide-specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T-cell repertoire diversity following in vitro restimulation by antigen-pulsed dendritic cells. Blood , 99 (1) pp. 213-223. 10.1182/blood.V99.1.213. Green open access

Perez-Sanchez, C; Budhram-Mahadeo, VS; Latchman, DS; (2002) Distinct promoter elements mediate the co-operative effect of Brn-3a and p53 on the p21 promoter and their antagonism on the Bax promoter. Nucleic Acids Res , 30 (22) 4872 - 4880. 10.1093/nar/gkf610. Green open access

Petzold, A; Eikelenboom, MJ; Gveric, D; Keir, G; Chapman, M; Lazeron, RHC; Cuzner, ML; ... Giovannoni, G; + view all (2002) Markers for different glial cell responses in multiple sclerosis: clinical and pathological correlations. Brain , 125 (7) pp. 1462-1473. 10.1093/brain/awf165. Green open access

Phillips, AN; Staszewski, S; Lampe, F; Youle, MS; Klauke, S; Bickel, M; Sabin, CA; ... Royal Free Ctr HIV Med Goethe Univ; + view all (2002) Human immunodeficiency virus rebound after suppression to < 400 copies/mL during initial highly active antiretroviral therapy regimens, according to prior nucleoside experience and duration of suppression. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES , 186 (8) 1086 - 1091. Green open access

Pikovsky, A; Zaikin, A; de la Casa, MA; (2002) System size resonance in coupled noisy systems and in the Ising model. PHYS REV LETT , 88 (5) , Article 050601. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.050601. Green open access

Pilling, S; Bebbington, P; Kuipers, E; Garety, P; Geddes, J; Martindale, B; Orbach, G; (2002) Psychological treatments in schizophrenia: II. Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of social skills training and cognitive remediation. PSYCHOL MED , 32 (5) 783 - 791. 10.1017/S0033291702005640. Green open access

Power, C; Manor, O; Li, L; (2002) Are inequalities in height underestimated by adult social position? Effects of changing social structure and height selection in a cohort study. BMJ , 325 (7356) pp. 131-134. 10.1136/bmj.325.7356.131. Green open access

Rashid-Doubell, F; McKinnell, I; Aricescu, AR; Sajnani, G; Stoker, A; (2002) Chick PTPσ regulates the targeting of retinal axons within the optic tectum. Journal of Neuroscience , 22 (12) 5024 - 5033. Green open access

Richens, J; (2002) Recent advances in donovanosis. Journal of Medical Microbiology , 51 pp. 802-803. Green open access

Ridley, J; Radford, J; Mahon, M; (2002) How do teachers manage topic and repair. Child Language Teaching and Therapy , 18 (1) pp. 43-58. 10.1191/0265659002ct226oa. Green open access

Rowland, D; DiGuiseppi, C; Roberts, I; Curtis, K; Roberts, H; Ginnelly, L; Sculpher, M; (2002) Prevalence of working smoke alarms in local authority inner city housing: randomised controlled trial. BMJ , 325 (7371) pp. 998-1001. Green open access

Sachdev, B; Takenaka, T; Teraguchi, H; Tei, C; Lee, P; McKenna, WJ; Elliott, PM; (2002) Prevalence of Anderson-Fabry disease in male patients with late onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. CIRCULATION , 105 (12) 1407 - 1411. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000012626.81324.38. Green open access

Saliba, RS; Munro, PMG; Luthert, PJ; Cheetham, ME; (2002) The cellular fate of mutant rhodopsin: quality control, degradation and aggresome formation. J CELL SCI , 115 (14) 2907 - 2918. Green open access

Salvi, R; Gomez, F; Fiaux, M; Schorderet, D; Jameson, JL; Achermann, JC; Gaillard, RC; (2002) Progressive onset of adrenal insufficiency and hypogonadism of pituitary origin caused by a complex genetic rearrangement within DAX-1. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 87 (9) 4094 - 4100. 10.1210/jc.2001-011930. Green open access

Shipp, S; Zeki, S; (2002) The functional organization of area V2, I: Specialization across stripes and layers. VISUAL NEUROSCI , 19 (2) 187 - 210. 10.1017/S0952523802191164. Green open access

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