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Number of items: 27.


Abbott, LF; Angelaki, DE; Carandini, M; Churchland, AK; Dan, Y; Dayan, P; Deneve, S; ... Zador, AM; + view all (2017) An International Laboratory for Systems and Computational Neuroscience. Neuron , 96 (6) pp. 1213-1218. 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.12.013. Green open access


Bang, D; Aitchison, L; Moran, R; Herce Castanon, S; Rafiee, B; Mahmoodi, A; Lau, JYF; ... Summerfield, C; + view all (2017) Confidence matching in group decision-making. [Letter]. Nature Human Behaviour , 1 , Article 0117. 10.1038/s41562-017-0117. Green open access


Celikkanat, H; Moriya, H; Ogawa, T; Kauppi, J-P; Kawanabe, M; Hyvarinen, AJ; (2017) Decoding Emotional Valence from Electroencephalographic Rhythmic Activity. In: Park, KS and Kim, Y and Weiland, J, (eds.) 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) - 2017. (pp. pp. 4143-4146). IEEE Press: Jeju Island, Korea. Green open access

Chambers, C; Akram, S; Adam, V; Pelofi, C; Sahani, M; Shamma, S; Pressnitzer, D; (2017) Prior context in audition informs binding and shapes simple features. Nature Communications , 8 , Article 15027. 10.1038/ncomms15027. Green open access


Douglas, L; Zarov, I; Gourgoulias, K; Lucas, C; Hart, C; Baker, A; Sahani, M; ... Johri, S; + view all (2017) A Universal Marginalizer for Amortized Inference in Generative Models. In: Proceedings of 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017),. NIPS: Long Beach, CA, USA. Green open access


Grabska-Barwińska, A; Barthelmé, S; Beck, J; Mainen, ZF; Pouget, A; Latham, PE; (2017) A probabilistic approach to demixing odors. Nature Neuroscience , 20 (1) pp. 98-106. 10.1038/nn.4444. Green open access


Hildebrandt, KJ; Sahani, M; Linden, JF; (2017) The Impact of Anesthetic State on Spike-Sorting Success in the Cortex: A Comparison of Ketamine and Urethane Anesthesia. Frontiers in Neural Circuits , 11 , Article 95. 10.3389/fncir.2017.00095. Green open access

Hiratani, N; Fukai, T; (2017) Detailed dendritic excitatory/inhibitory balance through heterosynaptic spike-timing-dependent plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience , 37 (50) pp. 12106-12122. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0027-17.2017. Green open access

Hyvarinen, AJ; Morioka, H; (2017) Nonlinear ICA of temporally dependent stationary sources. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research: Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. Green open access


Jitkrittum, W; Szabo, Z; Gretton, A; (2017) An Adaptive Test of Independence with Analytic Kernel Embeddings. In: Proceedings of ICML 2017. (pp. pp. 1742-1751). JMLR: Sydney, Australia. Green open access

Jitkrittum, W; Xu, W; Szabó, Z; Fukumizu, K; Gretton, A; (2017) A linear-time kernel goodness-of-fit test. In: Guyon, I and Luxburg, U.V. and Bengio, S and Wallach and, H and Furges, R and Vishwanathan, S and Garnett., R, (eds.) Proceedings of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NIPS 2017). NIPS Foundation: CA, USA. (In press). Green open access


Latham, PE; (2017) Correlations demystified. Nature Neuroscience , 20 (1) pp. 6-8. 10.1038/nn.4455. Green open access

Lomelí-García, MD; (2017) General Bayesian inference schemes in infinite mixture models. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Mastrogiuseppe, F; Ostojic, S; (2017) Intrinsically-generated fluctuating activity in excitatory-inhibitory networks. PLoS Computational Biology , 13 (4) , Article e1005498. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005498. Green open access

Meyer, AF; Williamson, RS; Linden, JF; Sahani, M; (2017) Models of Neuronal Stimulus-Response Functions: Elaboration, Estimation, and Evaluation. Front Syst Neurosci , 10 , Article 109. 10.3389/fnsys.2016.00109. Green open access

Momennejad, I; Russek, EM; Cheong, JH; Botvinick, MM; Daw, ND; Gershman, SJ; (2017) The successor representation in human reinforcement learning. Nature Human Behaviour , 1 (9) pp. 680-692. 10.1038/s41562-017-0180-8. Green open access

Monti, RP; Anagnostopoulos, C; Montana, G; (2017) Learning population and subject-specific brain connectivity networks via mixed neighborhood selection. Annals of Applied Statistics , 11 (4) pp. 2142-2164. 10.1214/17-AOAS1067. Green open access

Monti, RP; Lorenz, R; Braga, RM; Anagnostopoulos, C; Leech, R; Montana, G; (2017) Real-time estimation of dynamic functional connectivity networks. Human Brain Mapping , 38 (1) pp. 202-220. 10.1002/hbm.23355. Green open access

Monti, RP; Lorenz, R; Hellyer, P; Leech, R; Anagnostopoulos, C; Montana, G; (2017) Decoding Time-Varying Functional Connectivity Networks via Linear Graph Embedding Methods. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience , 11 , Article 14. 10.3389/fncom.2017.00014. Green open access


Navajas, J; Hindocha, C; Foda, H; Keramati, M; Latham, PE; Bahrami, B; (2017) The idiosyncratic nature of confidence. Nature Human Behaviour , 1 pp. 810-818. 10.1038/s41562-017-0215-1. Green open access


O'Shea, DJ; Trautmann, E; Chandrasekaran, C; Stavisky, S; Kao, JC; Sahani, M; Ryu, S; ... Shenoy, KV; + view all (2017) The need for calcium imaging in nonhuman primates: New motor neuroscience and brain-machine interfaces. Experimental Neurology , 287 (Pt 4) pp. 437-451. 10.1016/j.expneurol.2016.08.003. Green open access


Panzeri, S; Harvey, CD; Piasini, E; Latham, PE; Fellin, T; (2017) Cracking the Neural Code for Sensory Perception by Combining Statistics, Intervention, and Behavior. Neuron , 93 (3) pp. 491-507. 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.12.036. Green open access


Russek, EM; Momennejad, I; Botvinick, MM; Gershman, SJ; Daw, ND; (2017) Predictive representations can link model-based reinforcement learning to model-free mechanisms. PLoS Computer Biology , 13 (9) , Article e1005768. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005768. Green open access


Shelton, JA; Gasthaus, J; Dai, Z; Lücke, J; Gretton, A; (2017) GP-Select: Accelerating EM using adaptive subspace preselection. Neural Computation , 29 (8) pp. 2177-2202. 10.1162/NECO_a_00982. Green open access

Simoes Matos Saraiva, AC; (2017) Motion and Emotion: How emotional stimuli influence the motor system. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sriperumbudur, B; Fukumizu, K; Gretton, A; Hyvärinen, A; Kumar, R; (2017) Density Estimation in Infinite Dimensional Exponential Families. Journal of Machine Learning Research , 18 , Article 57. Green open access


Zylberberg, J; Pouget, A; Latham, PE; Shea-Brown, E; (2017) Robust information propagation through noisy neural circuits. PLoS Computational Biology , 13 (4) , Article e1005497. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005497. Green open access

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