Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
"The Service I am Here for": William Herle in the Marshalsea Prison, 1571.
Huntington Library Quarterly
, 72
217 - 238.
Signs of intelligence: William Herle's report of the Dutch situation, 1573.
Lives and Letters
, 1
Addae-Dapaah, K;
Hiang, LK;
Neo Yen Shi, S;
Sustainability of Sustainable Real Property Development.
Journal of Sustainable Real Estate
, 1
pp. 203-225.
Addae-Dapaah, K;
Tan Yong Hwee, W;
The unsung impact of currency risk on the performance of international real property investment.
Review of Financial Economics
, 18
pp. 56-65.
Addie, JD;
Constructing neoliberal urban democracy in the American inner-city.
Local Economy
, 24
536 - 554.
Akbaraly, TN;
Favier, A;
Berr, C;
Total plasma carotenoids and mortality in the elderly: results of the Epidemiology of Vascular Ageing (EVA) study.
, 101
86 - 92.
Alderson, P;
Uncertainty in Medical Innovation: experienced pioneers in neonatal care.
Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology
, 31
pp. 1111-1112.
Alderson, P;
Why I wrote Children’s consent to surgery.
Clinical Ethics
, 4
pp. 159-162.
Amin, M;
Ho, K-H;
Pavlou, G;
Howarth, M;
A Closed-Loop Control Traffic Engineering System for the Dynamic Load Balancing of Inter-AS Traffic.
Journal of Network and Systems Management
, 17
pp. 343-370.
Anderson, RH;
Spicer, DE;
Yoo, SJ;
Jacobs, JP;
Aiello, VD;
Innovation and the role of the cardiac morphologist.
Cardiol Young
, 19
(Suppl )
11 - 25.
Andoniadou, CL;
Gaston-Massuet, C;
Martinez-Barbera, JP;
Hesx1 antagonises canonical Wnt signalling in anterior forebrain and pituitary gland.
Mechanisms of Development
, 126
S229 - S230.
Andreopoulos, Y;
Comments on "phase-shifting for nonseparable 2-D haar wavelets".
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
, 18
1897 -1898.
Andres, L;
La ville mutable. Le cas de la Friche Belle de Mai.
Faire Savoirs
, 8
pp. 111-120.
Asante, CO;
Wallace, VC;
Dickenson, AH;
Formalin-induced behavioural hypersensitivity and neuronal hyperexcitability are mediated by rapid protein synthesis at the spinal level.
Molecular Pain
, 5
Atienza Rodríguez, M;
Gama, R;
Entrevista con William Twining.
Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho
, 32
pp. 713-727.
Attfield, S;
Fegan, S;
Blandford, A;
Idea generation and material consolidation: Tool use and intermediate artefacts in journalistic writing.
Cognition, Technology and Work
, 11
pp. 227-239.
Bakker, A;
Kent, P;
Noss, R;
Hoyles, C;
Alternative representations of statistical measures in computer tools to promote communication between employees in automotive manufacturing.
Technology Innovations in Statistics Education
, 3
pp. 1-31.
Beautement, A;
Sasse, A;
The economics of user effort in information security.
Computer Fraud & Security
, 2009
8 - 12.
Berkes, P;
Turner, RE;
Sahani, M;
A Structured Model of Video Reproduces Primary Visual Cortical Organisation.
, 5
, Article e1000495. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000495.
Bibby, T;
How do children understand themselves as learners? Towards a learner-centred understanding of pedagogy.
Pedagogy, Culture and Society
, 17
pp. 41-55.
Bietak, M;
Forstner-Müller, I;
van Koppen, F;
Radner, K;
Der Hyksos-Palast bei Tell el-Dab'a. Zweite und dritte Grabungskampagne (Frühling 2008 und Frühling 2009).
Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete
, 19
91 - 120.
Binder, BJ;
Vanden-Broeck, J-M;
Dias, F;
On satisfying the radiation condition in free surface flows.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
, 624
179 - 189.
Brannen, J;
Mooney, A;
Statham, J;
Childhood experiences: a commitment to caring and care work with vulnerable children.
, 16
pp. 377-393.
Brant, J;
Wales, J;
New skills for a new century? Challenging the orthodoxy: the role of citizenship and enterprise education in promoting effective learning.
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education
, 8
pp. 32-41.
Queer Art of Sodomitical Sabotage, Queer Ethics of Surfaces: Embodying Militarism and Masculinity in Erinç Seymen’s Portrait of a Pasha (2009).
Nowiswere: A Contemporary Art Magazine
, 5
38 - 43.
Cameron, C;
Petrie, P;
Social pedagogy and its prospects in England?s children? services.
European Journal of Social Education
, 16/17
pp. 49-61.
Carletti, T;
Righi, S;
Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation
pp. 225-234.
Carmona, M;
Sustainable urban design: principles to practice.
International Journal of Sustainable Development
, 12
pp. 48-77.
Carpentier, V;
Viewpoint: The Credit Crunch and Education: An historical perspective from the Kondratiev Cycle.
London Review of Education
, 7
pp. 193-196.
Cassar, M;
Sustainable Heritage: Challenges and Strategies for the Twenty-First Century, APT Bulletin.
Journal of Preservation Technology
, 40
pp. 3-11.
Cassidy, DB;
Mills, AP;
Comment on "relativistic Positron Creation Using Ultraintense Short Pulse Lasers".
Physical Review Letters
, 103
, Article e179501. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.179501.
Charolidi, N;
Cynthia, LA;
Signore, M;
Richard, GJ;
Martinez-Barbera, JP;
Developmental regulatory targets of the homeobox transcription factor HESX1.
Mechanisms of Development
, 126
S117 - S117.
Chater, N;
Rational models of conditioning.
, 32
204 -205.
Chatterjee, H;
Vreeland, S;
Noble, G;
Museopathy: Exploring the Healing Potential of Handling Museum Objects.
Museum and Society
, 7
pp. 164-177.
Cheng, XQ;
Ren, FX;
Zhou, S;
Hu, MB;
Triangular clustering in document networks.
, 11
, Article 033019. 10.1088/1367-2630/11/3/033019.
Christiansen, MH;
Chater, N;
The myth of language universals and the myth of universal grammar.
, 32
452 -453.
Cline, T;
Crafter, S;
de Abreu, G;
O'Dell, L;
Changing families, changing childhoods: changing schools?
Pastoral Care in Education
, 27
pp. 29-39.
Collaboration, D;
Abazov, VM;
Measurement of photon+b+X and photon+c+X production cross sections in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV.
Physical Review Letters
, 102
, Article 192002. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.192002.
Collins, A;
Hill, LE;
Chandramohan, Y;
Whitcomb, D;
Droste, SK;
Reul, JM;
Exercise improves cognitive responses to psychological stress through enhancement of epigenetic mechanisms and gene expression in the dentate gyrus.
PLoS One
, 4
, Article e4330. 10.1371/journal.pone.0004330.
Corcoran, S;
After Krüger: observations on some additional or revised Justinian Code headings and subscripts.
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte - romanistische Abteilung
, 126
423 - 439.
Corcoran, S;
New subscripts for old rescripts: the Vallicelliana fragments of Justinian Code Book VII.
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte - romanistische Abteilung
, 126
401 - 422.
Corcoran, S;
Review of Codex Theodosianus: Le code Théodosien V (S. Crogiez-Pétrequin, P. Jaillette and J-M. Poinsotte, eds./trans.).
Roman Legal Tradition
, 5
pp. 67-74.
Cottrill, PB;
Davies, WL;
Semo, M;
Bowmaker, JK;
Hunt, DM;
Jeffery, G;
Developmental dynamics of cone photoreceptors in the eel.
, 9
, Article 71. 10.1186/1471-213X-9-71.
Coupaye, L;
Décrire des objets hybrides.
Techniques & Culture
pp. 50-67.
Coupaye, L;
Douny, L;
Dans la trajectoire des choses: comparaison des approches francophones et anglophones contemporaines en anthropologie des techniques.
Techniques and Culture
pp. 12-39.
Crafter, S;
O'Dell, L;
Abreu, GD;
Cline, T;
Young people's representations of 'atypical' work in English society.
Children and Society
, 23
pp. 176-188.
Crane, G;
Seales, B;
Terras, M;
Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Philology.
Digital Humanities Quarterly
, 3
Creech, A;
Hallam, S;
Interaction in instrumental learning: the influence of interpersonal dynamics on parents.
International Journal of Music Education
, 27
pp. 94-106.
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Stickings, P;
Sesardic, D;
Murdan, S;
Transcutaneous immunisation assisted by low-frequency ultrasound.
Int J Pharm
, 368
123 - 128.
David, AL;
Ashcroft, R;
Placental gene therapy.
Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine
, 19
pp. 296-298.
Dávila, JD;
Being a mayor: the view from four Colombian cities.
Environment and Urbanization
, 21
pp. 37-57.
Dawkes, G;
Before Bagenal’s Castle: Evidence of the Medieval Cistercian Abbey at Newry, County Down.
Ulster Journal of Archaeology
, 68
pp. 124-140.
De Freitas, S;
Neumann, T;
Pedagogic strategies supporting the use of Synchronous Audiographic Conferencing: A review of the literature.
British Journal of Educational Technology
, 40
pp. 980-998.
Desrat, S;
van de Weghe, P;
Intramolecular Imino Diels-Alder Reaction: Progress toward the Synthesis of Uncialamycin.
Journal of Organic Chemistry
, 74
6728 - 6734.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Poyatos, Fernando (2008). Textual Translation and Live Translation: The Total Experience of Nonverbal Communication in Literature, Theater and Cinema. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
, 20
pp. 344-347.
Dobson, J;
Bowtell, R;
Garcia-Prieto, A;
Pankhurst, Q;
Safety Implications of High-Field MRI: Actuation of Endogenous Magnetic Iron Oxides in the Human Body.
, 4
, Article e5431. 10.1371/journal.pone.0005431.
Duenweg, B;
Schiller, UD;
Ladd, AJC;
Progress in the understanding of the fluctuating lattice Boltzmann equation.
Computer Physics Communications
, 180
pp. 605-608.
Earley, P;
Weindling, D;
Bubb, S;
Glenn, M;
Future leaders: the way forward?
School Leadership and Management
, 29
pp. 296-306.
Ellenbogen, JR;
Joshi, SM;
Kitchen, N;
Development of cavernous haemangioma following radical chemo-radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Journal of Laryngology and Otology
, 123
925 - 927.
Elliott, H;
Gunaratnam, Y;
Talking about breastfeeding - emotion, context and 'good' mothering.
The Practising Midwife
, 12
Evans, J;
Foundational Myths, Repressed Maternal Metaphors and Desengano iconography in Vacas (1992).
Hispanic Research Journal
, 10
pp. 122-140.
Farihi, J;
IRTF observations of white dwarfs with possible near-infrared excess.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 398
pp. 2091-2109.
Fenton, JC;
Warburton, PA;
Skewness variations of switching-current distributions in moderately damped Josephson junctions due to thermally induced multiple escape and retrapping.
Journal of Physics Conference Series
, 150
, Article 052052. 10.1088/1742-6596/150/5/052052.
Fouseki, K;
Private preservation versus public presentation: the conservation for display of in situ fragmentary archaeological remains in London and Athens.
Papers from The Institute of Archaeology
, 19
37 - 54.
Freeman, E;
Verghese, P;
Peeling Plaids Apart: Context Counteracts Cross-Orientation Contrast Masking.
, 4
, Article e8123. 10.1371/journal.pone.0008123.
Fuentemilla, L;
Camara, E;
Müunte, T;
F, C;
T, M-P;
J, T;
C, R-F;
Individual differences in true and false memory retrieval are related to white matter brain microstructure.
Journal of Neuroscience
, 29
8698 - 8703.
Gardiner, C;
Longair, I;
Pescott, MA;
Erwin, H;
Hills, J;
Machin, SJ;
Cohen, H;
Self-monitoring of oral anticoagulation: does it work outside trial conditions?
Journal of Clinical Pathology
, 62
168 - 171.
Gardner, A;
Review of R. White 'Britannia Prima: Britain's Last Roman Province'.
, 40
395 - 396.
Gerbault, P;
Moret, C;
Currat, M;
Sanchez-Mazas, A;
Impact of Selection and Demography on the Diffusion of Lactase Persistence.
, 4
, Article e6369. 10.1371/journal.pone.0006369.
Glauert, EB;
How young children understand electric circuits: Prediction, explanation and exploration.
International Journal of Science Education
, 31
pp. 1025-1047.
Grubb, M;
Haney, A;
Wilde, J;
Plugging the gap in energy efficiency policies: the emergence of the UK carbon reduction commitment.
European Review of Energy Markets
, 8
Gupta, R;
Kar, BR;
Development of attentional processes in ADHD and normal children.
Progress in Brain Research
, 176
pp. 259-276.
Gupta, R;
Kar, BR;
Srinivasan, N;
Development of Task Switching and Post-Error Slowing in Children.
Behavioral and Brain Functions
, 5
, Article 38. 10.1186/1744-9081-5-38.
Hadji Haidar, H;
'The Need for a Concept of Social Justice, An Islamic Perspective'.
Islamic Government
, 13
5 - 30.
Haghighi, HR;
Read, LR;
Haeryfar, SMM;
Behboudi, S;
Sharif, S;
Identification of a Dual-Specific T Cell Epitope of the Hemagglutinin Antigen of an H5 Avian Influenza Virus in Chickens.
, 4
, Article e7772. 10.1371/journal.pone.0007772.
Hamilton, K;
Richardson, P;
Tully, J;
A Modified CKKW matrix element merging approach to angular-ordered parton showers.
The Journal of High Energy Physics
, 2009
, Article 38. 10.1088/1126-6708/2009/11/038.
Hanley, S;
Governing the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Between state socialism and the European Union.
, 16
831 - 833.
Hanley, S;
Local Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparing Performance in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Russia.
, 45
1318 - 1322.
Hanley, S;
Review of Pieter Vanuysse, Divide and Pacify: Strategic Social Policy and Political Protest in Post-Communist Democracies, CEU Press, 2006.
Slavonic and East European Review
, 87
179 - 181.
Hannikainen, DC;
Hunstead, RW;
Wu, K;
McIntyre, V;
Lovell, JEJ;
Campbell-Wilson, D;
McCollough, ML;
... Tzioumis, AK; + view all
Revisiting the relativistic ejection event in XTE J1550-564 during the 1998 outburst.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 397
569 - 576.
Hickman, R;
Ashiru, O;
Banister, D;
Backcasting for Lower Transport Carbon Emissions.
Town and Country Planning
, 78
pp. 70-74.
Hillier, B;
Studying cities to learn about minds: some possible implications of space syntax for spatial cognition.
Environment and Planning B
, 39
pp. 12-32.
Hirsch, R;
Hodkinson, I;
Strongly representable atom structures of cylindric algebras.
The Journal of Symbolic Logic
, 74
811 - 828.
Ho, K-H;
Pavlou, G;
Wang, N;
Howarth, MP;
Joint optimization of intra- and inter-autonomous system traffic engineering.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
, 6
pp. 64-79.
Horne, R;
Petrie, KJ;
Wessely, S;
H-index pathology: Implications for medical researchers and practitioners.
BMJ (Online)
, 339
, Article b5356. 10.1136/bmj.b5356.
Hoyles, C;
Fundamentals in mathematics learning and teaching.
Better: Evidence-based Education
, Autumn
pp. 12-13.
Hoyles, C;
Noss, R;
The technological mediation of mathematics and its learning.
Human Development
, 52
pp. 129-147.
Humphreys, JJAM;
Johnson, FEA;
Multiplicative Invariants and the Finite Co-Hopfian Property.
, 55
115 - 127.
Ireson, J;
Rushforth, K;
Private tutoring at transition points in the English education system: its nature, extent and purpose.
Research Papers in Education
, iFirst
1 iFirst-19 iFirst.
Jefferis, BJ;
Whincup, PH;
Welsh, P;
Wannamethee, SG;
Rumley, A;
Lennon, LT;
Thomson, AG;
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Circulating TNFalpha levels in older men and women do not show independent prospective relations with MI or stroke.
, 205
pp. 302-308.
Jerjes, W;
Upile, T;
Kafas, P;
Abbas, S;
Rob, J;
McCarthy, E;
McCarthy, P;
Third molar surgery: the patient's and the clinician's perspective.
International Archives of Medicine
, 2
, Article 32. 10.1186/1755-7682-2-32.
Jerome, L;
Sheppard, TD;
Aliev, AE;
Motherwell, WB;
Intramolecular amidocyclopropanation reactions using diethoxymethyl-functionalised lactams as organozinc carbenoid precursors.
Tetrahedron Letters
, 50
3709 - 3712.
Kadosh, RC;
Walsh, V;
Non-abstract numerical representations in the IPS: Further support, challenges, and clarifications Authors' Response.
, 32
356 - 373.
Keating, A;
Ortloff, DH;
Philippou, S;
Introduction: Citizenship education curricula: The changes and challenges presented by global and European integration.
Journal of Curriculum Studies
, 41
pp. 145-158.
Kirstein, P;
Varakliotis, S;
Experiences from the Public Safety Arena for Future Internet.
, 77
pp. 48-49.
Kirstein, P;
Varakliotis, S;
Global e-Infrastructure of IPv6 experimental labs.
BELIEF Project Newsletter
Klautke, E;
Anarchy and noise: new perspectives on the history of fin-de-siècle Vienna.
Central Europe
, 7
pp. 161-168.
Knight, A;
Petrie, P;
Zuurmond, M;
Potts, P;
'Mingling together': Promoting the social inclusion of disabled children and young people during the school holidays.
Child and Family Social Work
, 14
pp. 15-24.
Knoche, H;
Sasse, MA;
The Big Picture on Small Screens Delivering Acceptable Video Quality in Mobile TV.
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
, 5
, Article 20. 10.1145/1556134.1556137.
Koenker, DP;
Politics and the People in Revolutionary Russia: A Provincial History. By Sarah Badcock (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2007) 280 pp. $99.00.
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
, 39
pp. 589-591.
Kontorinis, N;
Van Der Schaar, M;
Andreopoulos, Y;
Statistical framework for video decoding complexity modeling and prediction.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
, 19
1000 -1013.
Kramer, M;
Holmes, J;
Taxonomy and palaeoecology of Ostracoda from the Middle to Late Pleistocene upper Karewa formation of Kashmir Valley, Northern India.
Journal of Micropalaeontology
, 28
pp. 25-36.
Kubal, AM;
Why Semi-Legal? Polish post-2004 EU Enlargement Migrants in the United Kingdom.
Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law
, 23
pp. 148-164.
Kuldkepp, M;
, 42
pp. 149-166.
Ledeneva, A;
Corruption in Postcommunist Societies in Europe: A Reexamination.
Perspectives on European Politics and Society
, 10
pp. 69-86.
Ledeneva, A;
Into the Red: The Birth of the Credit Card Market in Postcommunist Russia. By Alya Guseva. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008. xiii, 202 pp. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Figures. Tables. $50.00, hard bound.
Slavic Review
, 68
pp. 1010-1011.
Leech, R;
Holt, LL;
Devlin, JT;
Dick, F;
Expertise with non-speech 'auditory Greebles' recruits speech-sensitive cortical regions.
Journal of Neuroscience
, 29
5234 - 5239.
Lemaire, XML;
Fee-for-service companies for rural electrification with photovoltaic systems: The case of Zambia.
Energy for Sustainable Development
, 13
18 - 23.
Lowry, J;
The duty of loyalty of company directors: bridging the accountability gap through efficient disclosure.
Cambridge Law Journal
, 68
607 - 622.
Mac Góráin, F;
Microcosm and the Virgilian persona.
, 7
MacDonald, MN;
O’Regan, JP;
Witana, J;
The development of national occupational standards for intercultural working in the UK.
Journal of Vocational Education & Training
, 61
pp. 375-398.
Madle, G;
Berger, A;
Cognat, S;
Menna, S;
Kostkova, P;
User information seeking behaviour: Perceptions and reality. An evaluation of the WHO Labresources Internet portal.
Informatics for Health and Social Care
, 34
pp. 30-38.
Mahon, M;
Interactions between a deaf child for whom English is an additional language and his specialist teacher in the first year at school: Combining words and gestures.
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics
, 23
pp. 611-629.
Manuwald, G;
Review of A. Zissos 'Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica. Book 1. Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary'.
Journal of Roman Studies
, 99
268 - 269.
Marks, J;
Debnam, E;
Unwin, R;
New insights into phosphate homeostasis.
British Journal of Renal Medicine
, 14
pp. 4-7.
Mars, RB;
Klein, MC;
Neubert, F-X;
Olivier, E;
Buch, ER;
Boorman, ED;
Rushworth, MFS;
Short-latency influence of medial frontal cortex on primary motor cortex during action selection under conflict.
The Journal of Neuroscience
, 29
6926 - 6931.
Maxwell, N;
Are Universities Undergoing an Intellectual Revolution?
Oxford Magazine
, 290
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13 - 16.
Maxwell, N;
The Metaphysics of Science: An Account of Modern Science in Terms of Principles, Laws and Theories, Craig Dilworth, Dordrecht, Springer, 2007, 2nd ed.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
, 23
228 - 232.
Maxwell, N;
What's wrong with science?
90 - 93.
Mayer, S;
Engagement in school-based collaborative enquiry.
Professional Development Today
, 12
pp. 53-56.
McCamey, DR;
van Tol, J;
Morley, GW;
Boehme, C;
Fast Nuclear Spin Hyperpolarization of Phosphorus in Silicon.
, 102
, Article 027601. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.027601.
McGovern, UB;
Stebbing, J;
Receptor-based predictors of response in breast cancer.
[Editorial comment].
Future Oncology
, 5
283 - 286.
McNamara, A;
Kuncic, Z;
Wu, K;
X-ray polarization in relativistic jets.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 395
1507 - 1514.
Mehlhorn, M;
Carrasco, J;
Michaelides, A;
Morgenstern, K;
Local Investigation of Femtosecond Laser Induced Dynamics of Water Nanoclusters on Cu(111).
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, Article 026101. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.026101.
Mettler, S;
Wolthers, M;
Charlet, L;
Gunten, UV;
Sorption and catalytic oxidation of Fe(II) at the surface of calcite.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
, 73
1826 - 1840.
Milutinovic, Z;
‘Nesporazum je pravilo, razumevanje je izuzetak i čudo: Travnička hronika Ive Andrića’(Serbian/Croatian translation of ‘Misunderstanding is a Rule, Understanding is a Miracle: Ivo Andrić’s Bosnian Chronicle’).
Sveske Zaduzbine Ive Andrica
119 - 159.
Mochizuki, T;
Bilitou, A;
Waters, CT;
Hussain, K;
Ohnuma, S-I;
Zollo, M;
Xenopus NM23-X4 regulates retinal gliogenesis through interaction with p27Xic1.
Neural Development
, 4
, Article 1. 10.1186/1749-8104-4-1.
Second World War archaeology in schools: a backdoor to the history curriculum?
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
, 19
55 - 66.
Murdan, S;
Painting Medicines on the Nail.
London Sharad Utsav Pujo Brochure
28 - 28.
Nathanson, V;
Keshtgar, M;
Treasure, T;
Gøtzsche, PC;
Tissue testing after breast reduction.
BMJ: British Medical Journal
, 338
(21 Mar)
pp. 691-692.
Nevins, A;
On formal universals in phonology.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
, 32
461 - 462.
Nikander, P;
Marshall, V;
Higgs, P;
Andrews, M;
Critical and reflective gerontology- Walking the talk: becoming one’s own data as a critical scholar.
, 29
649 - 658.
O'Regan, JP;
Hercules George Robert Robinson, first Baron Rosmead, P.C., G.C.M.G. (1824-1897).
Friends of Brompton Cemetery Newsletter
pp. 14-19.
Okafor, CU;
Thomas, DJ;
Wade, BS;
Firth, J;
Environmental change in the subtropics during the late middle Eocene greenhouse and global implications.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
, 10
, Article Q07003. 10.1029/2009GC002450.
Oliver, H;
Diallo, G;
De Quincey, E;
Alexopoulou, D;
Habermann, B;
Kostkova, P;
Schroeder, M;
... Madle, G; + view all
A user-centred evaluation framework for the Sealife semantic web browsers.
BMC Bioinformatics
, 10
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Practical Algebraic Attacks on the Hitag2 Stream Cipher in RFID Transponders.
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Describing and exchanging models of neurons and neuronal networks with NeuroML.
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Mining for Patterns of Semantic Link Usage: Do Domain Users Actually Like Semantic Browsing?
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Modelling the costs and benefits of hybrid buses from a whole-life perspective.
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Anti-social behaviour and urban configuration using space syntax to understand spatial patterns of socio-environmental disorder.
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Engineering angiogenesis by hypoxia-induced signaling: Adopting a physiological approach.
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Robustness of multiple objective GP stock-picking in unstable financial markets: Real-world applications track.
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Predicting the labelling of a graph via minimum p-seminorm interpolation.
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The city as a socio-technical system a spatial reformulation.
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The genetic code for cities – is it simpler than we thought?
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A multi-disciplinary perspective on the built environment: Space Syntax and cartography – the communication challenge.
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Knowledge Representation for Web Navigation.
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Neutron-Proton Scattering Experiments at ANKE-COSY.
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Cardinality Abstraction for Declarative Networking Applications.
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On the Manipulation of JPEG2000, In-Flight, Using Active Components on Next Generation Satellites.
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Micro thermal analysis: A novel method of determining the extent of collagen cross-linking within a collagen construct- applications for tissue engineering.
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Mimicking the body- a novel method of Cross-linking collagen to control scaffold design- implications on human tissue engineering.
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The Experience of Money and Debt Problems in Rural Areas.
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Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives (Phase 2).
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Evaluating and Optimising Models of Network Growth.
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Electronic prescribing in hospitals - challenges and lessons learned.
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Proportioning of self-compacting concrete – the UCL method.
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How to Reform the EU Budget? A Methodological Toolkit.
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Thermoelastic properties of ammonium sulfate, (ND₄)₂SO₄, and the P-T dependence of the para- to ferro-electric phase transition.
(ISIS Experimental Reports
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: Didcot, UK.
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Structural systematics of MgSO4·nD2O (n = 1¼, 2, 2½, 3, 4, 5) using neutron single-crystal diffraction.
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Institut Laue Langevin: Grenoble, France.
Fortes, AD;
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Phase behaviour and thermoelastic properties of ammonia monohydrate (ND3·D2O) phases I and II.
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Institut Laue Langevin: Grenoble, France.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Brand, HEA;
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High-pressure study of triclinic MgSO₄·11D₂O.
(ISIS Experimental Reports
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
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Vočadlo, L;
Knight, KS;
Measurement of the thermoelastic properties of mirabilite (Na2SO4·10D2O).
(ISIS Experimental Reports
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Tucker, MG;
The effect of pressure on the structure of meridianiite (MgSO₄·11D₂O).
(ISIS Experimental Reports
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Tucker, MG;
High pressure behaviour of sulfuric acid tetrahydrate.
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STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
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Tucker, MG;
The phase transitions in epsomite (MgSO₄·7D₂O).
(ISIS Experimental Reports
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: Didcot, UK.
Goldsmith, BJ;
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Habitats Directive assessment of Llyn Anafon with respect to proposed water level changes.
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UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Grubb, M;
Linking emissions trading systems: prospects and issues for business.
Carbon Trust: London, UK.
Grubb, M;
Delay, T;
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Counsell, T;
Global carbon mechanisms: emerging lessons and implications.
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Gutman, L;
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Nurturing parenting capability: the early years.
(Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning Research Reports
Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK.
Hickman, R;
Ashiru, O;
Banister, D;
20% Transport. Visioning and Backcasting for Transport in London. Executive Summary. VIBAT London.
Halcrow Group: London, UK.
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Visioning and Backcasting
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Halcrow Group Ltd: London, UK.
Hickman, R;
Seaborn, C;
Ashiru, O;
Headicar, P;
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Pharoah, T;
Land Use and Transport:
Settlement Patterns and the Demand for Travel. Stage 2 Background Technical Report.
Halcrow Group; Commission for Integrated Transport (CfIT): London, UK.
Hickman, R;
Seaborn, C;
Headicar, P;
Banister, D;
Planning for Sustainable Travel. Summary Guide.
Halcrow Group; Commission for Integrated Transport: London, UK.
Lemaire, XML;
Owen, G;
Mukherjee, N;
REEEP Policy and Regulatory Review 2009: special report on India and Indian States.
Petrie, P;
Chambers, H;
Richer lives: creative activities in the education and practice of Danish pedagogues: a preliminary study: report to Arts Council England.
Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Price, S;
Roussos, G;
Pontual Da Rocha Falcao, T;
Sheridan, J;
Beyond Current Horizons Review. Theme/area: 2. Embodiment/the body, knowledge, creativity and communication.
Department for Children, Schools and Families & Futurelab; UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Schoon, I;
Pathways to Adulthood Annual Report 2008/09.
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UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Shilland, E;
Hutchins, M;
UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network (UKAWMN). Allt na Coire nan Con, Loch Chon and Loch Grannoch. Annual Summary Progress Report Forest Research. April 2008 - March 2009.
(Environmental Change Research Centre University College London Report
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Shilland, EM;
Monteith, DT;
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The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2007-2008 (year 20).
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ENSIS: London, UK.
Tripney, J;
Newman, M;
Bangpan, M;
Hempel-Jorgensen, A;
Mackintosh, M;
Tucker, H;
Sinclair, J;
In-work poverty: a systematic review.
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Department for Work and Pensions: London, UK.
Twigg, J;
Characteristics of a disaster-resilient community: a guidance note (version 2).
DFID Disaster Risk Reduction NGO Interagency Group: Teddington, UK.
Fitzsimons, E;
A practitioner’s guide to evaluating the impacts of labor market programs.
(World Bank Employment Policy Primer
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The World Bank: Washington, DC, US.
Walker, Julian;
The Gendered Impact of Migration on Rural Communities in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Implications for Rural Development Interventions.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Budapest, Hungary.
Review of Modern Foreign Languages Provision in Higher Education in England.
(Issues Paper
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Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE): Bristol, UK.
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Frediani, AA;
The World Bank, Turner and Sen - Freedom in the Urban Arena.
(DPU Working Paper
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Groce, NE;
Bakhshi, P;
Illiteracy among Adults with Disabilities in the Developing World: An Unexplored Area of Concern.
(Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre working paper series
Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre: London, UK.
Lianos, I;
"Judging" Economists. Economic Expertise in Competition Law Litigation. A European View.
(CLES Research Paper series
Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK.
Lianos, I;
"Lost in Translation"? Towards a Theory of Economic Transplants.
(CLES Research Paper series
Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK.
Mostafa, T;
The Anatomy of Inequalities in Educational Achievements: An International Investigation of the Effects of Stratification.
(LLAKES Research Paper
Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES), UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Osman, A;
Sudanese women in civil society and their roles in post-conflict reconstruction.
(DIIPER Research Series Working Paper
Development, Innovation and International Political Economy Research (DIIPER), Aalborg University: Aalborg, Denmark.
Sikk, A;
Parties and Populism.
(Centre for European Politics, Security and Integration (CEPSI) Working Papers
Centre for European Politics, Security and Integration (CEPSI), SSEES, UCL: London, UK.
Singleton, A;
Longley, P;
Virtual Geodemographics: Repositioning Area Classification for Online and Offline Spaces.
(CASA Working Papers
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London, UK.
Conference item
al, ZZE;
In-situ storage image sensor for a vertex detector at the ILC.
Presented at: VERTEX 2009, Veluwe, the Netherlands.
Fleck, R;
Supporting Reflection on Experience with SenseCam.
Presented at: Workshop on Designing for Reflection on Experience, CHI2009, Boston, USA.
Fre, Z;
The challenges and opportunities facing NGOs in Africa: Some reflections on the work of the Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa (PENHA).
Presented at: Guest lecture at Ochanomizu University, Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
Friedman, J;
Ray, JW;
Waseem, N;
Johnson, K;
Brooks, MJ;
Hugosson, T;
Breuer, D;
... Swaroop, A; + view all
Mutations in a BTB-Kelch Protein, KLHL7, Cause Autosomal-Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Presented at: NIH Research Festival 2009, Bethesda, Maryland, US.
Inskip, C;
Music in the Movies: an investigation into Creative Music Search.
Presented at: Online Information, London, UK.
Inskip, C;
MacFarlane, A;
Rafferty, P;
Music in the Movies: an investigation into Creative Music Search.
Presented at: Digital Music Research Network (DMRN+4), Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
Lueck, K;
Wasmuth, S;
Lommatzsch, A;
Pauleikhoff, D;
Complement increases release of proinflammatory and proangiogenic mediators by retinal pigment epithelial cells.
Presented at: 2nd European Congress of Immunology: ECI 2009, Berlin, Germany.
Schembri, A;
Cormier, K;
Canonical typology of person agreement: Evidence from signed languages.
Presented at: Creating Infrastructure For Canonical Typology, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
Wasmuth, S;
Lueck, K;
Lommatzsch, A;
Pauleikhoff, D;
Retinal pigment epithelial cells respond to complement by an augmented production of vitronectin.
Presented at: 2nd European Congress of Immunology: ECI 2009, Berlin, Germany.
Welsh, A;
Principles of Cataloguing and Classification.
Presented at: Feminist Library Librarians for Tomorrow, London.
Welsh, A;
A shipping forecast for ATOD 2.0.
Presented at: SALIS 2009, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Yin, M;
Unearthing the potential of celadon civilian wares: scientific analysis of ceramic sherds from Wuzhou.
Presented at: From Craft to Science: European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics 2009, British Museum, London, UK.
Agnew, ZK;
Action execution, action perception and’mirror’neurones.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Bai, Y;
Correcting for Motion between Acquisitions in Diffusion MR Imaging.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Bartlett, PA;
A Magnetostrictive Transducer Analysis for the Investigation of Potential System Enhancements”.
Doctoral thesis , Cardiff University.
Bozkurt, S;
Dynamic Modeling of Human Cardiovascular System and an Axial Heart Pump.
Masters thesis , Yeditepe University.
Braun, AE;
Becoming teachers :gender biographies and a borderland profession.
Carrington, PJ;
Quantum nanostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy for mid-infrared applications.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Charlesworth, G;
An evaluation of two psychological interventions for family carers of people with dementia.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Cidre, EMP;
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Project-based and research-led course structure and assessment in production of the built environment academia.
Masters thesis , University College London.
Cipriani, V;
Genetic association studies in the presence of different family types: a meta-analytic approach.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Forkel, SJ;
The anatomy of fronto-occipital connections.
Masters thesis , King's College London.
French, M;
Silica: Cycling in the Southern Ocean and Atmospheric Inputs to the Global Ocean.
Doctoral thesis , Universtiy of East Anglia.
Gibson, E;
On the analysis of cortical surface biomarkers.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Grisaffi, TM;
Radio Soberanía: The Sovereign Voice of the Bolivian Cocalero.
Doctoral thesis , The University of Manchester.
Haughey, FM;
People and Water: A study of the relationship between humans and rivers in the Mesolithic and Neolithic with particular reference to that within the Thames Basin.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Heiskala, J;
Accurate modelling of tissue properties in diffuse optical imaging of the human brain.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Hudson-Smith, A;
Digitally Distributed Urban Environments: The Prospects for Online Planning. 2009.
Kitagawa, Toru;
Three Essays on Instrumental Variables.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Brown University.
Langhaug, LF;
How you ask the question really matters: A randomized comparison of four questionnaire delivery modes to assess validity and reliability of self-reported socially censured data in rural Zimbabwean youth.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Liu, X;
Novel methods for fail-safe integrated neural stimulators.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Manolopoulou, I;
A Bayesian approach to Nested Clade Analysis.
Doctoral thesis , University of Cambridge.
Maus de Rolley, T;
Elévations: Ecritures du voyage aérien à la Renaissance.
Doctoral thesis , Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).
Mylonas, D;
An online colour naming model.
Masters thesis , London College of Communication, UoA.
Pece, F;
High dynamic range for dynamic scenes.
Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Rees, RI;
Deaf Children’s Acquisition of Speech Skills: A Psycholinguistic Perspective through Intervention.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Richard, R;
Shah, N;
Sur quelques question d'équidistribution en géométrie arithmétique.
Doctoral thesis , Université Rennes 1.
Richardson, E;
Investigating the Characterisation and Stability of Polyamide 6,6 in Heritage Artefacts.
Doctoral thesis , University of Southampton.
Riedel, S;
Efficient Prediction of Relational Structure and its Application to Natural Language Processing.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Defending Substantive Fairness in Contract Law.
Doctoral thesis , University of Oxford.
Saunders, JA;
The music classroom :pupils' experience and engagement during adolescence.
UNSPECIFIED thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Shearing, PR;
Characterisation of SOFC Electrode Microstructures in Three Dimensions.
Doctoral thesis , Imperial College.
Shepherd, T;
Dynamical Models and Machine Learning for Supervised Segmentation.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Silver, D;
Reinforcement Learning and Simulation Based Search in the Game of Go.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Spelt, M;
Constructing a “string theory” through the use of geometric algebra.
Masters thesis , Utrecht University.
Szabo, Z;
Separation Principles in Independent Process Analysis.
Doctoral thesis , Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Tzanakopoulos, A;
Responsibility of the United Nations for Wrongful Security Council Non-Forcible Measures.
Doctoral thesis , University of Oxford.
Wang, Z;
Learning Machine Translation in High-Dimensional Spaces.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Washbourne, C;
Ground Engineering Using ‘Waste’ Materials.
Masters thesis , University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Yap, EH;
On the technical and economical feasibility of remote area hydrocarbon exploitation using offshore electrical power generation and transmission (clean energy producing vessel).
Doctoral thesis , University of London (University College London).
Zheng, K;
Rapid Diffusion in the brain extracellular space - biophysical constraints and physiological implications.
Doctoral thesis , University College London.
Young, C;
It's for You.
Vinyl text installed in museum entrance.
Dallas, TX, USA.
Boddy, J;
Statham, J;
European Perspectives on Social Work: Models of Education and Professional Roles. A Briefing Paper.
Thomas Coram Research Unit, London.
Green, A;
Janmaat, G;
Han, C;
Regimes of Social Cohesion.
Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Hallam, S;
Creech, A;
Papageorgi, I;
EMI Music Sound Foundation: Evaluation of the impact of additional training in the delivery of music at Key Stage 1.
Institute of Education, University of London for the EMI Music Sound Foundation., London.
Neuburger, J;
Kuh, D;
Joshi, H;
Trends in the relative wage opportunities of women and men across three British generations.
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
St James-Roberts, I;
St James-Roberts, I;
Statham, J;
Maxwell, C;
Jackson, S;
Evaluation of a project giving boarding school places to young people living in difficult situations: A summary of findings for young people.
Institute of Education, University of London, London.