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Aad, G; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Abdelalim, AA; Abdesselam, A; Abdinov, O; Abi, B; ... Collaboration, ATLAS; + view all (2010) Measurement of the W -> lv and Z/gamma* -> ll production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics , 2010 (12) , Article 60. 10.1007/JHEP12(2010)060. Green open access

Aad, G; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Abdelalim, AA; Abdesselam, A; Abdinov, O; Abi, B; ... ATLAS Collaboration, .; + view all (2010) Search for New Particles in Two-Jet Final States in 7 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (16) , Article 161801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.161801. Green open access

Aad, G; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Abdelalim, AA; Abdesselam, A; Abdinov, O; Abi, B; ... ATLAS Collaboration, .; + view all (2010) Observation of a Centrality-Dependent Dijet Asymmetry in Lead-Lead Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (25) , Article 252303. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.252303. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Alvarez Gonzalez, B; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... Zucchelli, S; + view all (2010) Inclusive Search for Standard Model Higgs Boson Production in the WW Decay Channel Using the CDF II Detector. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS , 104 (6) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.061803. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Abazov, VM; Abbott, B; Abolins, M; Acharya, BS; Adams, M; Adams, T; ... D0 Collaboration; + view all (2010) Combination of Tevatron Searches for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the W+W- Decay Mode. Physical Review Letters , 104 (6) , Article 061802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.061802. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Akimoto, T; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) First Measurement of the b-Jet Cross Section in Events with a W Boson in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 104 (13) , Article 131801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.131801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Akimoto, T; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Search for Pair Production of Supersymmetric Top Quarks in Dilepton Events from p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 104 (25) , Article 251801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.251801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Exclusion of an Exotic Top Quark with-4/3 Electric Charge Using Soft Lepton Tagging. Physical Review Letters , 105 (10) , Article 101801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.101801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Measurement of W-Boson Polarization in Top-Quark Decay in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 105 (4) , Article 042002. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.042002. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Search for R-Parity Violating Decays of Sneutrinos to e mu, mu tau, and e tau Pairs in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 105 (19) , Article 191801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.191801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Search for WW and WZ Resonances Decaying to Electron, Missing E-T, and Two Jets in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 104 (24) , Article 241801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.241801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... Zucchelli, S; + view all (2010) Search for New Bottomlike Quark Pair Decays Q(Q)over-bar -> (tW +/-)((t)over-barW +/- in Same-Charge Dileption Events. PHYS REV LETT , 104 (9) , Article 091801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.091801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... Zucchelli, S; + view all (2010) Measurement of the Lambda(0)(b) Lifetime in Lambda(0)(b) -> Lambda(+)(c)pi(-) Decays in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. PHYS REV LETT , 104 (10) , Article 102002. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.102002. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration, .; + view all (2010) Measurement of the Ratio sigma(t(t)over-bar)/sigma(Z/gamma*-> ll) and Precise Extraction of the t(t)over-bar Cross Section. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (1) , Article 012001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.012001. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration, .; + view all (2010) Measurement of the W+W- Production Cross Section and Search for Anomalous WW gamma and WWZ Couplings in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV (vol 104, 201801, 2010). PHYS REV LETT , 105 (1) , Article 019905. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.019905. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Measurement of the W+W- Production Cross Section and Search for Anomalous WW gamma and WWZ Couplings in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s 1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 104 (20) , Article 201801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.201801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... Zucchelli, S; + view all (2010) Measurement of the WW plus WZ Production Cross Section Using the lepton plus jets Final State at CDF II. Physical Review Letters , 104 (10) , Article 101801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.101801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Search for New Physics with a Dijet Plus Missing E-T Signature in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 105 (13) , Article 131801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.131801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... Zucchelli, S; + view all (2010) Search for Supersymmetry with Gauge-Mediated Breaking in Diphoton Events with Missing Transverse Energy at CDF II. Physical Review Letters , 104 (1) , Article 011801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.011801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Search for Technicolor Particles Produced in Association with a W Boson at CDF. Physical Review Letters , 104 (11) , Article 111802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.111802. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Search for the Higgs Boson Using Neural Networks in Events with Missing Energy and b-Quark Jets in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 104 (14) , Article 141801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.141801. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Adelman, J; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; ... CDF Collaboration, .; + view all (2010) Search for the Production of Scalar Bottom Quarks in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (8) , Article 081802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.081802. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; Antos, J; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Direct Top-Quark Width Measurement at CDF. Physical Review Letters , 105 (23) , Article 232003. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.232003. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; Antos, J; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2010) Improved Search for a Higgs Boson Produced in Association with Z -> l(+)l(-) in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 105 (25) , Article 251802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.251802. Green open access

Aaltonen, T; Gonzalez, BA; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Annovi, A; Antos, J; ... CDF Collaboration, .; + view all (2010) Top Quark Mass Measurement in the lepton plus jets Channel Using a Matrix Element Method and in situ Jet Energy Calibration. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (25) , Article 252001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.252001. Green open access

Abdelnour, S; Branzei, O; (2010) Fuel-efficient stoves for Darfur: The social construction of subsistence marketplaces in post-conflict settings. Journal of Business Research , 63 (6) pp. 617-629. 10.1016/j.jbusres.2009.04.027. Green open access

Achilleos, N; Guio, P; Arridge, CS; Sergis, N; Wilson, RJ; Thomsen, MF; Coates, AJ; (2010) Influence of hot plasma pressure on the global structure of Saturn's magnetodisk. Geophysical Research Letters , 37 , Article L20201. 10.1029/2010GL045159. Green open access

Achuthan, K; Mackett, RL; Titheridge, H; (2010) Mapping accessibility changes to test transport policies and improve social inclusion. Journal of Maps , 6 pp. 220-229. 10.4113/jom.2010.1077. Green open access

Achuthan, K; Titheridge, H; Mackett, RL; (2010) Mapping accessibility differences for the whole journey and for socially excluded groups of people. Journal of Maps , 2010 pp. 220-229. 10.4113/jom.2010.1077. Green open access

Adamson, P; Auty, DJ; Ayres, DS; Backhouse, C; Barr, G; Barrett, WL; Bishai, M; ... MINOS Collaboration, .; + view all (2010) Search for Lorentz Invariance and CPT Violation with the MINOS Far Detector. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (15) , Article 151601. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.151601. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; (2010) Idiosyncratic risk, market risk and correlation dynamics in the US real estate investment trusts. Journal of Housing Economics , 19 (3) pp. 205-218. 10.1016/j.jhe.2010.06.001. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; (2010) Industrial real estate investment:does the contrarian strategy work? Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics , 41 (2) pp. 193-227. 10.1007/s11146-008-9147-x. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Ho, DK; Tan, YF; (2010) Value versus growth real estate investment strategy: is the win a flash in the pan? In: Lombardi, SM, (ed.) Real Estate Investment Market. (pp. 31-74). Nova Science: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Wai, TK; Bin Dollah, MJ; Foo, Y; (2010) Indoor Air Quality and Office Property Value. The Journal of Sustainable Real Estate , 2 (1) pp. 91-115. Green open access

Adriana, A; Hofmann, P; Griffiths, H; (2010) Moving down the ladder: governance and sanitation that works for the urban poor. In: Verhagen, J and da Silva Wells, C and Krukkert, I and McIntyre, P and Ryans, P, (eds.) Sanitation Services for the Urban Poor: Partnerships and Governance. (pp. 89-135). IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre: The Hague, Netherlands. Green open access

Ahlen, S; Afshordi, N; Battat, JBR; Billard, J; Bozorgnia, N; Burgos, S; Caldwell, T; ... Sekiya, H; + view all (2010) The case for a directional dark matter detector and the status of current experimental efforts. International Journal of Modern Physics A , 25 (1) 10.1142/S0217751X10048172. Green open access

Akimov, D; Araújo, HM; Barnes, EJ; Belov, VA; Bewick, A; Burenkov, AA; Cashmore, R; ... Walker, RJ; + view all (2010) Limits on inelastic dark matter from ZEPLIN-III. Physics Letters B , 692 (3) pp. 180-183. 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.07.042. Green open access

Akimov, DY; Araújo, HM; Barnes, EJ; Belov, VA; Burenkov, AA; Chepel, V; Currie, A; ... Walker, RJ; + view all (2010) The ZEPLIN-III anti-coincidence veto detector. Astroparticle Physics , 34 (3) pp. 151-163. 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2010.06.010. Green open access

Al-Sayed, K; Dalton, RC; Holscher, C; (2010) Discursive design thinking: The role of explicit knowledge in creative architectural design reasoning. AI EDAM , 24 (2) 211 - 230. 10.1017/S0890060410000065. Green open access

Albert-Seifried, S; Hodgkiss, JM; Laquai, F; Bronstein, HA; Williams, CK; Friend, RH; (2010) Pressure-induced delocalization of photoexcited states in a semiconducting polymer. Physical Review Letters , 105 (19) , Article 195501. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.195501. Green open access

Anastasia, D; Andreopoulos, Y; (2010) Linear image processing operations with operational tight packing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters , 17 (4) 375 -378. 10.1109/LSP.2010.2041583. Green open access

Andreopoulos, Y; Jiang, D; Demosthenous, A; (2010) Prediction-based incremental refinement for binomially-factorized discrete wavelet transforms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 58 (8) 4441 -4447. 10.1109/TSP.2010.2048707. Green open access

Andres, L; (2010) Reconquête culturo-économique des territoires délaissés: de l’importance du temps de veille et de ses acteurs transitoires. Méditerranée (114) pp. 51-62. 10.4000/mediterranee.4342. Green open access

Andres, L; Bochet, B; (2010) Ville durable, ville mutable : quelle convergence en France et en Suisse ? Revue d'Économie Régionale & Urbaine , 2010 (4) pp. 729-746. 10.3917/reru.104.0729. Green open access

Andrews, JE; Gallagher, JS; Clayton, GC; Sugerman, BEK; Chatelain, JP; Clem, J; Welch, DL; ... Meixner, M; + view all (2010) SN 2007od: A Type IIP Supernova with Circumstellar Interaction. The Astrophysical Journal , 715 (1) pp. 541-549. 10.1088/0004-637X/715/1/541. Green open access

Ang, SMC; Brett, DJL; Fraga, ES; (2010) A multi-objective optimisation model for a general polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell system. Journal of Power Sources , 195 (9) 2754 - 2763. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.10.095. Green open access

Anvuur, AM; Kumaraswamy, MK; (2010) Promises, pitfalls and shortfalls of the guaranteed maximum price approach: A comparative case study. In: (pp. pp. 1079-1088). Green open access

Arya, C; Amiri, A; Vassie, PR; (2010) Embedding sustainable development into structural design teaching using sustainability appraisal tools. Higher Education Academy: Engineering Subject Centre Green open access

Atari, DO; Abdelnour, S; McKague, K; Wager, R; (2010) Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurial Capacities in Southern Sudan. Centre for Refugee Studies, York University: Toronto, Canada. Green open access

Attfield, S; Blandford, AE; (2010) Discovery-led refinement in e-discovery investigations: sensemaking, cognitive ergonomics and system design. Artificial Intelligence and Law , 18 (4) 387 - 412. 10.1007/s10506-010-9091-y. Green open access


Baio, G; Blangiardo, M; (2010) Bayesian hierarchical model for the prediction of football results. Journal of Applied Statistics , 37 (2) 253 - 264. 10.1080/02664760802684177. Green open access

Baker-Meflah, L; Thomsen, BC; Mitchell, JE; Bayvel, P; (2010) Multi-Impairment WDM Optical Performance Monitoring for Burst Switched Networks. Journal of Lightwave Technology , 28 (23) 3417 - 3426. 10.1109/JLT.2010.2084986. Green open access

Baldassarre, L; Barla, A; Noceti, N; Odone, F; (2010) Learning how to grasp objects. In: Verleysen, M, (ed.) ESANN 2010 proceedings: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning: Bruges (Belgium), 28-30 April 2010. (pp. 289 - 294). d-side: Evere, Belgium. Green open access

BALL, KM; (2010) STABILITY OF THE PRÉKOPA–LEINDLER INEQUALITY. Mathematika , Volume (2) 339 - 356. 10.1112/S002557931000063X. Green open access

Banaji, M; Mallet, A; Elwell, CE; Nicholls, P; Tachtsidis, I; Smith, M; Cooper, CE; (2010) Modelling of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption and NIRS Detection of Cytochrome Oxidase Redox State. In: Takahashi, E and Bruley, DF, (eds.) Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI. (pp. 285 - 291). Springer Verlag: Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany. Green open access

Barany, I; Blagojevic, P; Szucs, A; (2010) Equipartitioning by a convex 3-fan. Advances in Mathematics , 223 (2) pp. 579-593. 10.1016/j.aim.2009.08.016. Green open access

Barker, PF; (2010) Doppler Cooling a Microsphere. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (7) , Article 073002. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.073002. Green open access

Barlow, MJ; Krause, O; Swinyard, BM; Sibthorpe, B; Besel, M-A; Wesson, R; Ivison, RJ; ... Polehampton, ET; + view all (2010) A Herschel PACS and SPIRE study of the dust content of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 518 , Article L138. 10.1051/0004-6361/201014585. Green open access

BARTHEL, R; (2010) Collaborative Knowledge Building through Multi-Path Video Creation. Doctoral thesis , University of Nottingham.

Bates, BC; Chandler, RE; Charles, SP; Campbell, EP; (2010) Assessment of apparent nonstationarity in time series of annual inflow, daily precipitation, and atmospheric circulation indices: A case study from southwest Western Australia. Water Resources Research , 46 , Article W00H02. 10.1029/2010WR009509. Green open access

Batty, M; (2010) Complexity in city systems: Understanding, evolution, and design. Green open access

Baumgärtner, F; Sewell, RJ; Eriksson, S; Llorente-Garcia, I; Dingjan, J; Cotter, JP; Hinds, EA; (2010) Measuring Energy Differences by BEC Interferometry on a Chip. Physical Review Letters , 105 (24) , Article 243003. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.243003. Green open access

Bayat, A; Bose, S; Sodano, P; (2010) Entanglement Routers Using Macroscopic Singlets. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (18) , Article 187204. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.187204. Green open access

Bayat, A; Bose, S; Sodano, P; (2010) Entanglement routers using macroscopic singlets. Physical Review Letters , 105 (18) , Article 187204. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.187204. Green open access

Beale, TAW; Wilkins, SB; Johnson, RD; Bland, SR; Joly, Y; Forrest, TR; McMorrow, DF; ... Hatton, PD; + view all (2010) Antiferromagnetically Spin Polarized Oxygen Observed in Magnetoelectric TbMn2O5. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (8) , Article 087203. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.087203. Green open access

Beautement, A; Sasse, MA; (2010) Gathering realistic authentication performance data through field trials. Presented at: 6th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2010, Redmond, Washington. Green open access

Ben-Nun, O; Einav, I; Tordesillas, A; (2010) Force attractor in confined comminution of granular materials. Physical Review Letters , 104 (10) , Article 108001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.108001. Green open access

Bendo, GJ; Wilson, CD; Pohlen, M; Sauvage, M; Auld, R; Baes, M; Barlow, MJ; ... Zeilinger, WW; + view all (2010) The Herschel Space Observatory view of dust in M81. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 518 , Article L65. 10.1051/0004-6361/201014568. Green open access

Benson, PM; Vinciguerra, S; Meredith, PG; Young, RP; (2010) Spatio-temporal evolution of volcano seismicity: A laboratory study. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 297 (1-2) pp. 315-323. 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.06.033. Green open access

Berridge, AM; Grigera, SA; Simons, BD; Green, AG; (2010) Magnetic analog of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase in Sr3Ru2O7. Physical Review B , 81 (5) , Article 054429. 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.054429. Green open access

Bittau, A; Hamburg, M; Handley, M; Mazières, D; Boneh, D; (2010) The Case for Ubiquitous Transport-Level Encryption. In: USENIX Security'10: Proceedings of the 19th USENIX conference on Security. (pp. 403 - 418). USENIX Association: Berkeley, California, USA. Green open access

Bjedov, I; Toivonen, JM; Kerr, F; Slack, C; Jacobson, J; Foley, A; Partridge, L; (2010) Mechanisms of Life Span Extension by Rapamycin in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster. Cell Metabolism , 11 (1) 35 - 46. 10.1016/j.cmet.2009.11.010. Green open access

Blaker, JJ; Lee, K-Y; Mantalaris, A; Bismarck, A; (2010) Ice-microsphere templating to produce highly porous nanocomposite PLA matrix scaffolds with pores selectively lined by bacterial cellulose nano-whiskers. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 70 (13) 1879 - 1888. 10.1016/j.compscitech.2010.05.028. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; (2010) International economics of resource productivity – Relevance, measurement, empirical trends, innovation, resource policies. International Economics and Economic Policy , 7 (2) pp. 227-244. 10.1007/s10368-010-0170-z. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; Bader, N; Trümper, SC; (2010) The socio-economic transition towards a hydrogen economy. Energy Policy , 38 (10) pp. 5297-5300. 10.1016/j.enpol.2009.04.010. Green open access

Boakes, EH; McGowan, PJ; Fuller, RA; Chang-qing, D; Clark, NE; O'Connor, K; Mace, GM; (2010) Distorted views of biodiversity: spatial and temporal bias in species occurrence data. PLoS Biol , 8 (6) , Article e1000385. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000385. Green open access

Boehmer, CG; Tamanini, N; (2010) Rotational elasticity and couplings to linear elasticity. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 10.1177/1081286513511093. Green open access

Bonomi, M; Barducci, A; Gervasio, FL; Parrinello, M; (2010) Multiple routes and milestones in the folding of HIV-1 protease monomer. PLoS One , 5 (10) , Article e13208. 10.1371/journal.pone.0013208. Green open access

Boselli, A; Eales, S; Cortese, L; Bendo, G; Chanial, P; Buat, V; Davies, J; ... Zeilinger, W; + view all (2010) The Herschel Reference Survey. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific , 122 (889) pp. 261-287. 10.1086/651535. Green open access

Bradbeer, NIC; Andrews, DJA; (2010) Vulnerability of a low-cost combatant converted from a commercial ship. In: 10th International naval engineering conference and exhibition (INEC 2010): the affordable future fleet. (pp. pp. 548-561). Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST): London, UK.

Branzei, O; Abdelnour, S; (2010) Another day, another dollar: Enterprise resilience under terrorism in developing countries. Journal of International Business Studies , 41 (5) pp. 804-825. 10.1057/jibs.2010.6. Green open access

Brawley, SJ; Williams, AI; Shipman, M; Laricchia, G; (2010) Resonant Scattering of Positronium in Collision with CO2. PHYS REV LETT , 105 (26) , Article 263401. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.263401. Green open access

Broer, S; Titheridge, H; (2010) Enabling low-carbon living in new UK housing developments. In: (pp. pp. 90-107). Green open access

Buat, V; Giovannoli, E; Burgarella, D; Altieri, B; Amblard, A; Arumugam, V; Aussel, H; ... Zemcov, M; + view all (2010) Measures of star formation rates from infrared (Herschel) and UV (GALEX) emissions of galaxies in the HerMES fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters , 409 (1) L1 - L6. 10.1111/j.1745-3933.2010.00916.x. Green open access

Budroni, A; Böhm, J; (2010) Automatic 3D modelling of indoor Manhattan-world scenes from laser data. In: Mills, JP and Barber, DM and Miller, PE and Newton, I, (eds.) Proceedings of the ISPRS Commission V Mid-Term Symposium 'Close Range Image Measurement Techniques': WG V/3 - Terrestrial laser scanning and 3D imaging. (pp. pp. 115-120). International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS): Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. Green open access

Burman, E; Ern, A; Fernandez, MA; (2010) Explicit Runge–Kutta Schemes and Finite Elements with Symmetric Stabilization for First-Order Linear PDE Systems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis , 48 (6) pp. 2019-2042. 10.1137/090757940. Green open access


Campbell, ET; Browne, DE; (2010) Bound States for Magic State Distillation in Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation. PHYS REV LETT , 104 (3) , Article 030503. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.030503. Green open access

Campbell, NDF; Vogiatzis, G; Hernández, C; Cipolla, R; (2010) Automatic 3D Object Segmentation in Multiple Views using Volumetric Graph-Cuts. Image and Vision Computing , 28 (1) 14 -25. 10.1016/j.imavis.2008.09.005. Green open access

Campos, LC; (2010) Slow sand filtration – A technology that remains appropriate for this century and beyond. Water & Sewerage Journal , 2010 pp. 29-31.

Carletti, T; Righi, S; (2010) Weighted Fractal Networks. Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications , 389 (10) pp. 2134-2142. 10.1016/j.physa.2010.01.019. Green open access

Carpentieri, M; Robins, AG; (2010) Tracer Flux Balance at an Urban Canyon Intersection. BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY , 135 (2) 229 - 242. 10.1007/s10546-010-9471-6. Green open access

Carrascal, MF; Sendra, P; Millán, P; (2010) La falsa regeneración del espacio público. Lugares para los no-habitantes. El caso de Brunswick Centre. La Ciudad Viva (4) pp. 62-65. Green open access

Cassidy, DB; Meligne, VE; Mills, AP; (2010) Production of a fully spin-polarized ensemble of positronium atoms. Physical Review Letters , 104 (17) , Article 173401. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.173401. Green open access

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